英文中如何使用比喻论证?求例子我只知道 it is just like that...请再多举几种,谢.

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英文中如何使用比喻论证?求例子我只知道 it is just like that...请再多举几种,谢.
我只知道 it is just like that...

英文中如何使用比喻论证?求例子我只知道 it is just like that...请再多举几种,谢.
It is as if
For example
For instance,
It is similar to
A figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common.A metaphor expresses the unfamiliar (the tenor) in terms of the familiar (the vehicle).When Neil Young sings,"Love is a rose," "rose" is the vehicle for "love," the tenor.
"Between the lower east side tenements
the sky is a snotty handkerchief."
(Marge Piercy,"The Butt of Winter")
"The streets were a furnace,the sun an executioner."
(Cynthia Ozick,"Rosa")
"But my heart is a lonely hunter that hunts on a lonely hill."
(William Sharp,"The Lonely Hunter")
"Men's words are bullets,that their enemies take up and make use of against them."
(George Savile,Maxims of State)
"A man may break a word with you,sir,and words are but wind."
(Shakespeare,The Comedy of Errors)
"The rain came down in long knitting needles."
(Enid Bagnold,National Velvet)
Lenny:Hey,maybe there is no cabin.Maybe it's one of them metaphorical things.
Carl:Oh yeah,yeah.Like maybe the cabin is the place inside each of us,created by our goodwill and teamwork.
Lenny:Nah,they said there would be sandwiches.
(The Simpsons)
"Memory is a crazy woman that hoards colored rags and throws away food."
(Austin O'Malley,Keystones of Thought)
"It would be more illuminating ...to say that the metaphor creates the similarity than to say that it formulates some similarity antecedently existing."
(Max Black,Models and Metaphors,1962)

英文中如何使用比喻论证?求例子我只知道 it is just like that...请再多举几种,谢. 比喻论证的例子 我想知道有关比喻论证 ,因果论证的例子啊···· 帮我举个类比论证和比喻论证的例子, 鱼我所欲也 中,有比喻论证吗 求5个精彩的比喻论证的例子谢谢了, 拿来主义中比喻论证的比喻意 为什么 《鱼我所欲也》 中鱼和熊掌是比喻论证?不是举例论证么?最好把其它论证方法也具体地跟我讲一讲. 论证方法包括:举例论证,道理论证,对比论证,比喻论证,引用论证,因果论证,理论论证.论证方法(举例论证,道理论证,对比论证,比喻论证,引用论证,因果论证,理论论证.)有没有人可以帮我概 求此议论文论证的例子 答题时,使文章更生动的是使用修辞吗?那比喻论证与打比方呢?针对文体,我总是回答打比方与比喻论证,而不答比喻,却老是错 比如比喻论证,答题模式为生动影响的论证了.的论点还有对比论证举例论证道理论证类比论证等等.求补充 “朽木可雕”的例子?我写作文求论证事例 举例说明在辩论赛中如何进行类比论证?例子要结合生活中的.举例说明在辩论赛中如何巧设陷阱法?例子结合生活中的 论证团结就是力量.请问如何论证更具雄辩力量.举些例子. 敬业与乐业中是比喻论证的句子是什么 急求一篇立论和运用比喻论证的文章! 求100字以上议论文,新拿来主意为题,要用比喻论证或因果论证!