
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:43:32


5.12 earthquakes,vibrated most China,also vibrated 1,300,000,000 Chinese people's heart,each disaster area looks like by the devil is trampled general excessively,a disorder,looks that these disaster victims fill the frightened double pupil,our heart can be unable to restrain twitching,but is missing regarding the death approximately 40,000 disaster victims approximately 30,000 they are lucky,what I am sincere is these the disaster victims who died in the earthquake prayed,heaven Lu Zou was good,we could not immerse in the pain,should do a practical work for them,we might contribute money for them to contribute goods to charity,might also join to the reconstruction disaster areaIn the troop makes one to volunteer,may also go to meet loses the parents to some in the earthquake the children,for them a warm family,may also the hand hold the candle to meet = the difficult disaster victims gate mourning for these,we may do have many



5. 12 earthquakes, have shaken more than half Chinas, has shaken the 1,300 million Chinese people's heart too, every disaster-affected area is as too general as trampling on the devil, a slice of wolf's book, look at those victim of the disaster terrified eyes, whom our heart can't help twitch, but to about 40,000 calamity of the death the people live in harmony about 30,000 missing they are lucky, I devout to pray for victim of the disaster that die in an accident among earthquake those way of paradise walk well, we can't immerse it in the agony, should do some practical things for them, we can donate some money to donate things for them, can add to and rebuild and do a wish in the team of the disaster area too, can go to meet to some children losing parents in the earthquake too, give to a warm family of their, can also regard holding the candle in hands as those to meet =The difficult door of victim of the disaster is grieved, there are a lot of what we can do


英语翻译5.12地震,震动了大半个中国,也震动了13亿中国人民的心,每一个受灾地区都像被恶魔践踏过一般,一片狼籍,看着那些灾民充满恐惧的双眸,我们的心会不禁的抽搐,但对于死亡的约4万名 山东什么地方感到地震了?5.12四川地震,震动了半个中国,其中包含山东,谁知道山东什么地方感到地震了,我是山东的,怎么没有感觉到呢? 四川汶州的地震这次地震,影响太大了,波及了大半个中国 我想知道的是,我们河南那些城市会受它的影响呢?我是河南濮阳的 四川汶州的地震这次地震,影响太大了,波及了大半个中国 我想知道的是,我们河南那些城市会受它的影响呢?我是河南濮阳的 缩句:明代著名医药学家李时珍翻山越岭走遍了大半个中国.缩成:李时珍走遍了中国.还是:李时珍走遍了大半个中国. 今天地震了吗?感觉到震动. 英语翻译“在汶川发生的地震不仅震动了大地,也震动了全中国人民的心”翻译成英文哈,是演讲用的 跪求2012年6月3号 16:58分 哪里地震了?震动挺大的. 李时珍翻山越岭,走遍了大半个中国.(改成“把”句)今天内啊 ┏ (^ω^)=☞李时珍翻山越岭走遍了大半个中国改成把字句 有好评 英语翻译希望认为翻译.1 这是一首启迪了数亿中国的歌曲.2 这首歌响遍大半个中国3 你一定听过4 你一定会唱5 那就是…… 英语翻译more than half a china 大半个中国 这翻译对吗?还能怎么说 千万不要误导啊, 中国云南最近也发生了地震,为什么关于地震的报道大都是日本的! 刚刚深圳震动下怎么回事 那地震了吗 中国哪地震了 中国地震多少次了 李时珍翻山越岭,走遍了大半个中国,写成了《本草纲目》这真是(一句歇后语)啊! 今天辽宁省是不是地震了!请问什么地方地震了!我在抚顺市·在1点左右感觉大震动,我媳妇在沈阳也感觉到了!请问什么地方·地震了!