这里的handle为什么要加d 是过去式吗,如果是为什么这里用过去式. 谢谢、'If they don't witness disagreements and how they are handled in constructive ways, they are not well-equipped to go out into the world and address inevita

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 11:17:49

这里的handle为什么要加d 是过去式吗,如果是为什么这里用过去式. 谢谢、'If they don't witness disagreements and how they are handled in constructive ways, they are not well-equipped to go out into the world and address inevita
这里的handle为什么要加d 是过去式吗,如果是为什么这里用过去式. 谢谢、
'If they don't witness disagreements and how they are handled in constructive ways, they are not well-equipped to go out into the world and address inevitable conflict.'

这里的handle为什么要加d 是过去式吗,如果是为什么这里用过去式. 谢谢、'If they don't witness disagreements and how they are handled in constructive ways, they are not well-equipped to go out into the world and address inevita
这里不是过去式,而是过去分词,表示被动.英语里动词有四种形式,除原形外 分别是单三,现在分词,过去分词,以及不定式.(大学英语语法对于不定式的解释是:除了原形,单三,分词意外其它的形式,如果不做老师不用细抠)单三用于一般现在时,现在分词用于现在进行时,过去分词表示已完成(用于完成时)或被动(被动不是时态,而是语态:语态有两种:主动和被动).总之,您要分清楚两个概念;1.英语中的时态(动作发生的时间)2.语态(主动发出动作 还是被主语怎么了)及不同时态 语态的基本构成,以点带面的系统分清楚才好

这里的handle为什么要加d 是过去式吗,如果是为什么这里用过去式. 谢谢、'If they don't witness disagreements and how they are handled in constructive ways, they are not well-equipped to go out into the world and address inevita what is becoming obvious is that the exsiting banking system is not powerful enought to handle the huge global capital flows that come out of itglobal capital flows 这里flows为什么要加s?还有类似的列子吗 They had coffee yesterday afternoon.The underlined part means drank.underlined,为什么要加d,这句中不是下划线的意思吗,这里是名词不是动词是吗,名词要过去式加d吗?我的英语实在差劲,搞不懂啊, 加d的过去式单词 Because I knew what I loved.后面的从句部分作为什么.为什么love要加d.是过去分词还是过去式. Shanghai is a crowded city为什么这里选crowded而不选原型呢?was后面加的是过去式还是··· potatoes turn green when exposed to light.exposed是过去式还是过去分词 为什么要加d 喜欢是动词吗如果不是,过去式的时候,为什么要加ed KItty seldom read是什么时态seldom是一般现在时,可是第三人称read不是要加s的吗?这里没加s就是过去式? like burnt barbecued meat.例如像烧肉的东西,我想问,为什么barbecue要加d 变成过去式,然后burn也要加t变成过去式 she (spent)two hours practicing playing basketball.()是spend的过去式吗?这里为什么要用一般过去时? I have nothing to do but read 这里的read是原型还是过去式,but后加什么?能加过去式吗 能够handle的,就不叫恋爱了.这里的handle是什么意思? 这里的come为什么要加ing SING的过去式为什么不是加ED I just wish that once, I'd bring a guy home that they actually liked.这里的like为什么要ed,不加不行吗?like用于过去式是表示过去喜欢吗?喜欢还分过去和现在吗? where are you headed?这里为什么用head 过去式?用heading是一样的吗? 过去式加动词原形I watched Wang Wang play with a friendly black cat .这里的动词为什么不加ing形式呢 或者加to?