提问几道GRE数学!急!都是绿皮上的,本人数学不大好,请尽可能详细解释,谢谢!180.36If 2/3 of the number of women attending acertain dance is equal to 1/2 the number of men attending, what fraction ofthose attending are women?A.2

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 04:06:24

提问几道GRE数学!急!都是绿皮上的,本人数学不大好,请尽可能详细解释,谢谢!180.36If 2/3 of the number of women attending acertain dance is equal to 1/2 the number of men attending, what fraction ofthose attending are women?A.2
If 2/3 of the number of women attending a
certain dance is equal to 1/2 the number of men attending, what fraction of
those attending are women?
A.2/5 B.3/7 C.5/7 D.3/4 E.5/6
答案B 我算得2/7?
The length of a rectangular floor is 16
feet and its width is 12 feet. If each dimension were reduced by s feet to make
the ratio of length to width 3 to 2, what would be the value of s?
A0 B2 C4 D6 E8
答案C 没太读懂题且不会算
A board of length L feet is cut into two
pieces such that the length of one piece is 1 foot more than twice the length
of the other piece. What is the length, in feet, of the longer piece?
答案(2L+1)/3 咋算?
A watch gains 7 minutes and 6 seconds every
6 days. If the rate of gain is constant, how much does the watch gain in one
答案是1min 11sec 我算得1min 1sec?
One-kth of a circular pie has been served.
If the rest of the pie is divided into n equal servings, then each of these servings
is what fraction of the whole pie?
答案(k-1)/nk 我算得1/nk^2?
If x^2=68, which of the following could be

提问几道GRE数学!急!都是绿皮上的,本人数学不大好,请尽可能详细解释,谢谢!180.36If 2/3 of the number of women attending acertain dance is equal to 1/2 the number of men attending, what fraction ofthose attending are women?A.2
设女的有x人,男的有y人,则2/3 * x = 1/2 * y,故4x=3y,即x=3/4 * y
从而女的比例为x/(x+y)=3/4 / (3/4+1)=3/7


2/3 x = 1/2 * (1-x) => 7/6 x = 1/2 => x = 3/7
2. 矩形地面长16英尺宽12英尺,如果每边缩小S英尺以至于长宽比为3:2,S为何值?
将各选项代入,只有C成立, (16-4):(12-4)=3:2
223.9 长的段为x,短的那段则为L-x。长的那段等于短的...


2/3 x = 1/2 * (1-x) => 7/6 x = 1/2 => x = 3/7
2. 矩形地面长16英尺宽12英尺,如果每边缩小S英尺以至于长宽比为3:2,S为何值?
将各选项代入,只有C成立, (16-4):(12-4)=3:2
223.9 长的段为x,短的那段则为L-x。长的那段等于短的的两倍加1:
x = (L-x)*2 +1 => x = (2L +1)/3
(7*60 + 6) / 6 = 71(秒)= 1分11秒
232.10 1/k的馅饼被吃掉,剩下1-1/k,再平均分成n份,每份占整个馅饼的:
(1-1/k) / n = (k-1)/ nk
191.18 x = 正的或负的根号68,是正或负8点几的一个数(比如说正的或负的8.2),所以可以是-9230.16 x是5到15之间的数字线上的数字,它到5的距离是到15的距离的两倍。
x-5 = 2*(15-x) => 3x = 35 => x = 35/3
265.7 7a-5 <=9 得出a <=2,a最大为2; 3-b>=-2 得出b <=5,b最大为5. ab最大为2*5=10


提问几道GRE数学!急!都是绿皮上的,本人数学不大好,请尽可能详细解释,谢谢!180.36If 2/3 of the number of women attending acertain dance is equal to 1/2 the number of men attending, what fraction ofthose attending are women?A.2 麻烦推荐几本GRE的书 提问几道GRE数学题!都是绿皮上的,本人数学不大好,P275.39In how many of the integers between 1 and 100 does the digit 5 occur exactly once?答案是18,题目啥意思,如何做?P231.2A train travels 60 miles per hour for 3 hours and t GRE数学提问答案为什么选D啊,我怎么算答案都是950000? 帮忙推荐几本gre 作文复习的书吧~ 求推荐几本gre/gmat/tofel的单词书 谁来推荐几本GRE备考的书籍? 几道GRE数学题 gre白皮书总共有几本RT GRE和GMAT要是都考的话,成绩会不会相互干扰?急!我本打算考GMAT,但是刚好这个暑假要去美国,有人建议不妨在美国考考旧GRE,碰碰运气.但是考虑到GRE和GMAT的成绩都是由ETS邮寄给学校,如果这次GRE 排一本《数学辞典》的页数共需1773个数字,这本《数学辞典》共有几页?急!急!急! 急:提问几道GRE数学1.4-n方框6,4-n方框5 .Which of the following symbols should be substituted for 方框 to make both of the statements above truefor all integers n such that -2第3题已会, 求几本书的电子版,与新GRE相关的:《GRE写作5.5(ISSUE和ARGUMENT)》,《GRE作文100(ISSUE和ARGUMENT) GRE白皮书全称哪位大侠知道GRE白皮书的全称啊?小弟最近想去买一本准备考gre,大哥大姐帮帮忙~~急! GRE大白本数学部分的答案中的ABCDE分别是对应哪些符号的? 谁能帮忙推荐几本GRE相关的书吗? 求GRE大白本NO.4-NO.9的答案勘误,尤其是数学部分. 用了九元,语文每本1元,数学每本1.5元,他买了几本语文本和数学本?谢谢大家的回答你们都是乐于助人的好人