请大家帮我把这篇英语文章改一下,语法和用词,For the study,I always consider myself a people who will not back down the face of difficulties,I am good at analyzing problems and finding effective solutions,so I appreciate my teacher,t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:11:47

请大家帮我把这篇英语文章改一下,语法和用词,For the study,I always consider myself a people who will not back down the face of difficulties,I am good at analyzing problems and finding effective solutions,so I appreciate my teacher,t
For the study,I always consider myself a people who will not back down the face of difficulties,I am good at analyzing problems and finding effective solutions,so I appreciate my teacher,the students also like to learn with me.I should be able to develop this quality is also my parents for my childhood education,parental encouragement has always been my motivation to learn.Small,I'm not a very good child,but my parents did not like the other parents to take lessons from me or my other children to compare,they will every time I have a little bit of progress,encouraged me to ,praised me and told me that if I try that,will do better.This method of education because their parents,I feel no burden to bear,so I feel that learning is a happy thing,so I'm learning slowly getting better.Over the years,whenever I encountered difficulties,always think of them encouraged,and every time this time,I told myself to slow down,certainly can.
Of course,in addition to other parents,friends and also my driving force,because very good friends around me,together we learn from each other and influence each other because they are around,I have been asking themselves not lag behind them,so now I'm making progress.It should be said,I would like to thank my parents and friends.
Learning in the future,I will keep the strict demands on themselves,so that more excellent students to learn and progress as I have been the driving force,through the efforts of parents and teachers to live up to expectations,allow themselves to be a socially useful person .

请大家帮我把这篇英语文章改一下,语法和用词,For the study,I always consider myself a people who will not back down the face of difficulties,I am good at analyzing problems and finding effective solutions,so I appreciate my teacher,t
1、 I should be able to develop this quality is also my parents for my childhood education、 2、they will every time I have a little bit of progress 3、take lessons from me or my other children to compare 4、This method of education because their parents 5、 I feel no burden to bear 6、so I'm learning slowly getting better 7、always think of them encouraged 8、and every time this time 9、friends and also my driving force、 这些有错、总体觉得这篇文章很纠结、水平有很大的提升空间、祝你好运了

请大家帮我把这篇英语文章改一下,语法和用词,For the study,I always consider myself a people who will not back down the face of difficulties,I am good at analyzing problems and finding effective solutions,so I appreciate my teacher,t 请帮我改一下这篇英语作文 请帮我把这篇英语文章修改一下语法及提下意见,本人师高三学生,英语水平较差,谢谢大家了,别笑我噢:)是一篇关于合理饮食的讲演稿200词左右Keep a good diet Hello everybody! Today,I will talk about th 我孩子英语不会语法,请大家帮忙总结一下英语有多少种语法,便于我帮孩子复习. 急求一位大学英语老师或英语高手,帮我改作文!文章就不写出来了,哪位能帮我修改一下作文,主要也是最重要的是语法,请留下email,我发过去.好人请尽快回复, 我是外国人,现在写论文,请帮我检查语法问题和修改 (文章不难)求求您帮我修改语法错误,还有我的中文很差,可以的话帮我用书面语形式来改一下,恰当的词汇来修改一下就让我的论文具有 我要考英语.请大家帮我找一下初中的语法知识,谢谢!英语的 帮我看一下这篇英语文章有没有什么错误,请大家帮我看一下我写的这篇英语文章有没有什么错误?有的话请大家帮我改正,Hello Everyone,Today,it’s my great honor to stand here to take part in the election campa 帮我把这篇英语短文改错改一下,谢谢了 今天清晨下了一上午雨.请大家帮我把这个病句给我改一下. 请大家帮我把这篇英文改下,帮我修改这篇英语文章错误处.How I feel about my reflective skillsAfter period of learning,I found myself in the course of study still exist many deficiencies,these disadvantages that I cannot get bette 英语翻译请大家帮我翻译一下这句话:请把焦点放在我这 请帮我看看这篇英语文章,有问题的地方请加以改正!这是自我介绍,我英语很烂,可能有很多问题,希望能帮我吧语法什么的改正确!hello everyone ,my name is ,i come from jingzhou ,it is a beautiful city and has a 请英语高手帮我修改一下这篇作文!改一下语法和逻辑错误以及不妥之处~大的改动也可以的!I Want to Change Something about MyselfBefore I prepared to write this article,I have never considered changing anything about mys 请帮我改一下我的句子语法 附上我的中文翻译 希望可以帮我修改的通顺 谢谢请帮我改一下我的英语句子语法 附上我的中文翻译 若有不通顺 奇怪的地方 希望可以帮我修改的通顺 谢谢拜托 大家麻烦用英语帮我翻译下下面的文章你好吗,这是我第一次用英语写信,通过写信和你交流,也可以提高一下我的英语水平,这样我的英语一定能进步 大家帮我分析一下这个英语句子的结构和语法,1.Seeing from the hilltop,I find the beatiful scene.这是语法结构?这是什么语法结构,漏写了“什么” 请会英语的高手,帮我看看这篇自我介绍有没有语法或单词错误,有的话帮我改改..再帮我润色一下帮我把这段翻译一下并加进去:在上六年级的时候,我的父亲为了提高我的英语口语水平,让我