
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 17:37:10


1. ---Have you ever helped others?
----Yes, I often help others.
2. Can you describe your family in details?
3. Our country is developing quickly and every child can have very good education.
4. Since I was born, I have lived in Beijing.

did you help others? yes.i often help others
can you describe your family?
our country develops very fast and every child can receive good education
i always live in Beijing since i was born

1:have you been helping others til now? yes, i help people often.
2:can you describe your family in detail?
3:our country growth fast, every kid can have a good education.
4:I've been living in Beijing since i born

1. Have you ever helped others? Yes, I often help others.
2. Can you describe your family in details?
3. Our country is developing quickly and every child can have very good education.
4. I've been living in Beijing since i born

Have you ever given a hand to somebody else?Yes,always.
Can you describe your family in detail?
For the rapid development of our country,every child can receive good education.
Since I was borned, I have lived in Beijing.

1. You have helped someone else do this? Yes, I often help others.
2. Can you a detailed description of your family?
3. Our country is developing rapidly, every child received a good education.
4. Only from since I was born I have been living in Beijing.

1.是的,我经常帮助别人.2.你能详细描述你的家庭吗?3.我们的国家发展迅速,每个孩子都能得到很好的教育.4.只从我出生以来我就一直住在北京. 把汉语译成英语(初一水平)1.那些是谁的玩具汽车? 是我的.2.我的裤子是蓝色的.3.他的上衣是蓝白相间的.4.她经常帮助我打扫我的房间.5.莉莉正在帮他妈妈做饭.6.你喜欢英语吗? 是的,我 “我相信,只要你能帮助别人 就会得到友谊”的英语翻译 急用 希望你能帮助我! 我能帮助别人.我感到到幸福.关联词语 翻译:我爸爸经常让我帮助别人. My father often ()()()()other people. 翻译句子:1.因为有老师的帮助你不应该担心你学不好英语.2.你能帮助我英语,你人真好. 能帮助别人,我也是很高兴的. 能告诉别人不能自以为是的道理 是的,你能帮我回答吗?结合婚姻家庭法, 我能为你效劳吗?是的 不, 慈善的行为比金钱更能解除别人的痛苦.你爱别人,别人就会爱你;你帮助别人,别人就会帮助你;你待他亲同手足,他对你就会亲如兄弟. 你能帮助我上you tube 希望你能帮助我点什么. 英语翻译1.在夏天,韶关的气温总是很高不是吗?是的,但是在秋天很凉快.2.在周末,你弟弟经常去游泳对吗?不是的,他经常去爬山. 汉译英!1.长时间等别人让我感到生气!2.什么让这些孩子们平静了?——轻音乐!3.你清理房间里的垃圾了吗?——是的,我已经把垃圾袋拿到外面去了! 英语翻译人工翻译 尽可能用漂亮的句型,词汇翻译,1.他经常帮助我学习语文/中文.2.他经常帮助我做家庭作业.3.我们必须帮助保护环境.4.吉姆已帮忙装饰了圣诞树.5.你认为这本小说怎么样?6.他 如图.求详细回答.能帮助我的感激不尽.