问几个英语题目吧 告诉我答案和原因i asked him ___ he managed to do such a difficult jobA what B how C who D whyhe owns more __50% of business property in this areaA that B of C over D than

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:15:01

问几个英语题目吧 告诉我答案和原因i asked him ___ he managed to do such a difficult jobA what B how C who D whyhe owns more __50% of business property in this areaA that B of C over D than
问几个英语题目吧 告诉我答案和原因
i asked him ___ he managed to do such a difficult job
A what B how C who D why
he owns more __50% of business property in this area
A that B of C over D than

问几个英语题目吧 告诉我答案和原因i asked him ___ he managed to do such a difficult jobA what B how C who D whyhe owns more __50% of business property in this areaA that B of C over D than
more than 超过

B . how 表示方式。我问他他是怎么做成这么难的一项工作的。
D more than 多于,超过。

1 B how
2 D than
more than 比……多

问几个英语题目吧 告诉我答案和原因i asked him ___ he managed to do such a difficult jobA what B how C who D whyhe owns more __50% of business property in this areaA that B of C over D than 英语题目,答案原因,第21题. 问几个初中物理和化学题.今天上午11:30之前告诉我答案,好的可以追加分数,辛苦大家了物理:1、(多选)在探究凸透镜成像规律中,有的同学实验结果与正确结论相差较大,原因可能是A、凸 问下大家最难的大学数学题目谁知道 告诉我吧,谢谢大家0i 这些题目答案告诉我 谁能告诉我几个英语谜语及答案 英语题(告诉我答案和选择的原因)1.Do you watch______television? __No,in fact I have not got____television.A.the;不填 B.不填;the C.不填;a D.不填;不填2.__Iwould like to read newspapers after supper_____my wife likes 后几道英语和填空,会几个告诉我几个 可不可以告诉我几个日记题目 初三英语题目(关于宾语从句)( )I don't feel very well.Mum asked me ___ this morning.A.what the matter isB.what is wrongC.what the matter wasD.what wrong was我要答案&原因&句子翻译!宾语从句中what is wrong和what i 一道初一的英语.——Are you Mr Brown?——__________.A:Yse,it is b.Yes,I am我不写完了.正确答案是B.谁告诉我选这个答案的原因.悬赏不断提升. 英语选择题求问题目:i've___heard of him,but i don'tknow who he is.a.sorts of b.kindly ofc.a kind of D.sort of答案是哪个,为什么 告诉我英语笔试的题目吧! 各位高手,帮帮我吧----一道数学题目一个凸边形中最多能有几个小于10度的角?告诉我原因好不好啊谢啦! 急!求这几个英语题目的答案! 并且回答这几个题目.并且告诉我你的答案意思是什么. 问几个英语问题(请告诉我选这个的原因)1.who likes dressing up as Aladdin?Answer:( )A.Mary B.Mary is C.Mary do D.Mary likes2.Can you ( ) a piece of paper ( )me?A.buy,to B.give,for C.pass,to D.give,from二.用所给词的适当形式 八年级英语,问一下第八和第九题,要答案和原因,速回,给好评哦!