
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:23:27


L45 bdabb dcbcb db L46 acdda cbcad ca
L47 dabad aaddc ac L48 cbcba cbbda bc
L49 dabab ccacc aa L50 bdacc aadbb cd
L51 bcddd adcad db L52 bccab dcbac bd
L53 cdacc cdcda cc L54 dbdbd badcb dd
L55 aabda acabd ab L56 cacca cabbc cc
L57 abbbb dcdcb da L58 bdaac bdcad bd
L59 dbddd abada ab L60 bacbc babac ad
L61 bacca dcabb dd L62 addcd ccbda db
L63 dbaab ddacd ca L64 ccccb bccab bb
L65 adbbc aadcc bd L66 cbaad aabdb ba
L67 daddd dbbad dd L68 bbcdb bbccc aa
L69 abcbb ddaab cd L70 dbccd bcacd dc
L71 bdbbc cdbbb ba L72 acadb accdb ad
L73 cadac dadaa db L74 bdccd cacbc ab
L75 cabdb abbdd cc L76 dbdaa bbacb dd
L77 acabc dddaa ba L78 acbbc acbab ca
L79 bdcca dbadb ac L80 cbdad cadcc db
L81 daadb bdcbd bd L82 abadc cdaac bd
L83 bacca bcbcd ab L84 ccabd cccda cd
L85 ddbab abdbb dc L86 bcabb bdcab bc
L87 cdcda ccada ad L88 cbbcc abbcc cb
L89 aadad dadbd db L90 bccca bcbad dd
L91 dbcbc dbbcb cb L92 bcdcb abbad ca
L93 cdbac dbbcb cb L94 abcba dacda bc
L95 dabad cdcac dc L96 dccba dcdab cb
这个是课本的答案 都给你吧
Lesson 25
2 1.Both my sister and I went shopping.
2.We not only got very tired but very hungry as well.
3.It was three o\'clock and we could not get lunch so we had a cup of tea.
3 1c 2b 3b 4a 5b 6c 7d 8b 9a 10a 11d 12a
Lesson 46
1 A arrived at Sydney(1.1);could account for the fact(1.3);accurred to one(1.4);
was astonished at what(1.5);was so surprised at being(11.6-7);
had been confined to the wooden box(1.9);
B 1.with 2.to...for 3.with 4.for 5.to 6.at 7.to 8.to
9.for 10.to...at 11.at 12.with 13.with 14.to...for 15.for 16.for
17.with 18.for 19.at 20.with 21.to 22.with 23.at 24.to
25.with...to 26.to...with 27.for 28.to...to 29.for 30.to 31.for 32.to
33.to...with 34.for 35.to 36.to 37.at 38.at 39.with 40.for
2 1a 2c 3d 4d 5a 6c 7b 8c 9a 10d 11c 12a
Lesson 47
1 C 1.will have finished 2.broke 3.were 4.could
D 1.mustn\'t 2.needn\'t
E 1.I asked George what those people were looking at.
2.George answered that he did not know.He thought a new road was being built and that
it would be finished soon.
3.I told George that all those people were silly because they were looking into an
empty hole.
4.George said that some piople enjoy/enjoyed watching others work.
5.Half an hour passed.George told me to hurry up as we had been there for half an hour.
He added that there was nothing to see in an empty hole.
6.i answered that I didn\'t want to go yet because it was very interesting.
2 1d 2a 3b 4a 5d 6a 7a 8d 9d 10c 11a 12c
Lesson 48
1 A 1.which 2.denied 3.fetched 4.too 5.jobs 6.One...a...who
7.past 8.next 9.watching 10.continually 11.remarked 12.robbed
B (sample sentences)
I\'m sorry to cause you such trouble.
Have you ever seen such beartiful pictures before?
It\'s such a nice day that we can\'t stay indoors!
I\'m feeling so tired that I shall have to stop work.
C 1.He had no sooner come home than they rang him up from the office.
2.The plane had no sooner taken off than it returned to the airport.
D 1.made 2.do 3.make 4.do 5.Do 6.make 7.made 8.does
E 1.ou