
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:52:07


What is Courage
A:Have you ever heard of the phrase "fortune favors the bold"?
B:yeah,i have.it is a quote on courage .This phrase help Alexander the Great inspired his men in the battlefield successfully.
C:Soldiers and policemen are supposed to show courage. However,in my eyes,Courage is a way of life. It is as much a habit as anything else. Like getting up and brushing your teeth in the morning, or drinking coffee.
A: though we don’t notice it, a lot of courage is part of our routines. The man who gets into a blocked sewer shows courage. The man who tills the land, not knowing whether he will have a good monsoon shows courage. The woman who resists the temptation to lavish goodies on her children shows courage. The child who breaks a leg on the football field but goes back to the game later shows courage. The student who is bent on following his dreams shows courage.
B:As for me ,I need The courage to speak the truth. Because lies are the biggest and most obvious sort of cowardice that i hide behind. I failed to say the truth when my dad asked me about my points.
A:Oh,come on ,guys,Dan Rather has said,Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow. If you are losing ,just be a man ,be a man and lose as a man ,that is the real courage we should cultivate.
C:you've got the point !The sign of a courageous person, is someone who is feels fear, recognizes fear and still goes on to do what he or she believes is right.
B:yeah,be a man and lose as a man .I should keep this in my mind for all time .
Cultural diversity
A:Have you ever taken part in any Christmas parties in china? I stongly hold the idea that there is no use of our chinese people holding Christmas parties at all.
B:I'm afraid I do not share your opinion.Everyone knows the tendency of globalization is unavoidable.Holding Chrismas parties in china is an fact one of the fruits of cultural globalization .
C:Yeah,im with B.Cultural diversity is a driving force of development, not only in respect of economic growth, but also as a means of leading a more fulfilling intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual life.
A:That's one way of looking at it, I admit .I do not object that our Chinese people should know more about various culture. But if our young people pay more attention to forein festivals,they would gradually forget our own traditional festivals,such as Spring Festival.
B:I get your point ,but there are other things we have to consider.We can not resist other cultures just because we are worried about losing our own .It's necessary for young people to experience the cultural diversity all over the world .
C:Indeed,we should keep in mind our own festival,and our own cultural merits.Aan at the same time, acceptance and recognition of cultural diversity are conducive to dialogue among civilizations and cultures, respect and mutual understanding. Anyway ,we have reach an agreement.

大学英语口语考试不会写对话,急……英语口语考试,求英语强人帮忙写两篇三人之间的英语对话,要求要时长3分钟的,中心主题是一个是courage,另一个是diversity~不要求原创,随便怎样都行,为了对 急求关于鼓励别人的英语情景对话,大学英语.明天就要考试了 大学英语口语对话 谁能帮我写一篇英语口语对话(急)谁能帮我写一个两三分钟的英语对话,老师给的题目是Make a telephone conversation between the landlord and the tenant about reporting problem.PS:是大学英语! 英语对话:老同学相见,3分钟,英语口语考试谢谢 求一篇大学英语口语考试对话(急)老师给的题目是Make a telephone conversation between the landlord and the tenant about reporting problem. 急求2人英语对话短文!关于看电影的,每人五六句就差不多了一定要对话简单的啊,英语口语考试,太难的驾驭不了. 大学英语口语考试 关于best friends方面,自己一个人说2分钟左右,不要对话的 大学英语口语考试,模拟电话对话四分钟,主要内容为大学生活和学习, 大学英语口语考试,要求编一段两人讨论第一次学习英语时的经验的对话.要求:对话时间是4分钟左右,拜托大神们把每段话把英语和中文翻译都写出来!关系到期末挂不挂科, 大学英语口语考试编一段两人对话,老师给的话题为:初次见面问好,问路,天气,名片,圣诞节.这几个编成一个对话.各位英语好的帮帮忙啦! 英语对话 急不会的不要回答 急求大学英语情景对话考试,语句不要太复杂,更不要太过简单,最好附上中文.内容:年后两个同学见面,后面对话自由发挥,两人对话,每人6句以上是10年后见面的对话 大学英语口语对话单人的对话以这幅漫画写四分钟左右的两人对话, 英语口语考试题:A早去考试,他很焦虑,B安慰他.写一段小对话 高中三人英语口语考试对话,急主题:1关于奥运会的口语对话2关于寒假旅游的对话3关于交朋友的对话(friendS and friendship)、 英语 大学英语 口语题目 what your favorite season ?reason英语大学英语 口语题目what your favorite season ?reason详细写一段话60字,我明天上午英语口语考试,大神救命英语学霸和达人帮学弟 急求!1跪求英语大神帮忙,大学英语视听说2口语考试对话急求!过几天要考试,最近没时间复习,所以跪求大神,下面几个对话,帮忙设计一些对话,每个不需要多长,就普通的对话,英语大神麻烦你们