哪位英语好的好心人能帮我修改下作文.在此万分感激.主要是看下语法句型上的错误.题目是Should college students own cars?1现在有不少大学生自己开车上学2对这种行为人们看法不一3在我看来Accrodi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:25:27

哪位英语好的好心人能帮我修改下作文.在此万分感激.主要是看下语法句型上的错误.题目是Should college students own cars?1现在有不少大学生自己开车上学2对这种行为人们看法不一3在我看来Accrodi
题目是Should college students own cars?
Accroding to a recent survey,up to 25% of college student have own cars to go to universitr.It has been prevailing among students in recent years.
There is no consensus among the people as to whether we should go to school by driving own cars.Some people hold idea that college students have own cars is unquestionable benefical to them.As far as they concerned,students drive their cars go to school which can save their time.They can spend more time on their studing and prictice .On the other hand,others may have a quite different view.According to them,students have own cars which can also do much harm.For example,students will campare with others band of cars.It will give rise side effects.Moreover ,as a students ,they may be lack of safety awareness.It is very dangerous for college students.
In my view,few men will deny that drive cars by students has benefits and problems.But we should do is to try our best to make matters better and bypass its side effects.And we must realized that with the development cities,students idea are very different past time .

哪位英语好的好心人能帮我修改下作文.在此万分感激.主要是看下语法句型上的错误.题目是Should college students own cars?1现在有不少大学生自己开车上学2对这种行为人们看法不一3在我看来Accrodi
Accroding to a recent survey,up to 25% of college student have own cars to go to university.It has been prevailing among students in recent years.
There is no consensus among (the 去掉) people as to whether we should go to school by (driving 多余,去掉) (our) own cars.
Some people hold (the) idea that college students have own cars is unquestionable (benefical 拼错了,beneficial) to them.
college students have own cars is unquestionable beneficial有语法错误,出现了两个动词have,go,建议改为:it is unquestionable beneficial for college students to have their own cars.
As far as they (concerned,ed去掉),students drive their cars go to school which can save their time.
有语法错误,出现了两个动词drive,go.建议改为:As far as they concern, for students going to school by car can save their time.
They can spend more time on their studing(改成study) and prictice(拼错了) .On the other hand(既然用了on the other hand,那上文中应出现on one hand才对呀,你这用的显得很突兀,建议改成However),others may have a quite different view.
According to them,students have own cars which can also do much harm.
你这句话想表达的观点是学生有自己的车会造成伤害,然后你用which指代了students have own cars,这种用法是不正确的,which只能指代主语、宾语,不能指代整个句子.建议改为:It can also do much harm to students who have their own cars.
For example,students will campare with others (in) (the) band of cars.
It will give rise side effects.这句话啥意思?
Moreover , as a (students,s去掉) ,they may be lack of safety awareness.It is very dangerous for college students.
In my view,few men will deny that drive cars by students has (both)benefits and problems.
感觉你是按照中文思维“学生开车有利有弊”写的这句话,虽无语法错误,但这样这样不好.建议改为"It has both benefits and problems for students to drive their own car.
But (what) we should do is to try our best to make matters better and bypass its side effects. And we must realized(ed去掉) that with the development cities,students idea are very different past time .

哪位英语好的好心人能帮我修改下作文.在此万分感激.主要是看下语法句型上的错误.题目是Should college students own cars?1现在有不少大学生自己开车上学2对这种行为人们看法不一3在我看来Accrodi 哪位好心人帮我改下英语作文 哪位好心人帮我分析下下面的这个电路, 哪位好心人帮我写一篇关于时事的作文, 哪位好心人帮我写下作文? 哪位好心人帮我写一份学英语的计划 帮我修改下英语作文 求好心人帮我修改英语作文好心人请帮我修改一下英语作文,时间很紧,明天下午要比赛,最好今晚改好明天一大早发到我的邮箱里,请留下你的邮箱,我把作文发给你,按情况加赏金·· 哪位好心人帮我写一篇violence on media and social crimes的英语作文,1400字的, 帮我改英语作文,英语太差了,帮我改下语法什么的,能提供长期修改的好心人留下邮箱什么的,1网络已经深深地影响着我们的生活2然而,网络世界非常的复杂3面对信息时代的今天,我们该如何面 写金口大峡谷的作文 350字 急啊! 哪位好心人帮我一下啊!写金口大峡谷的作文 350字 急啊! 哪位好心人帮我一下啊! 哪位好心人帮我看下,有没有问题? 哪位好心人帮我运行下程序啊,一定好评! 《我心中的太阳》作文哪位好心人能帮我写一篇作文,名叫《我心中的太阳》,没什么要求,600字 哪位善良的好心人帮我写篇英语作文~根据图片寓意结合自己体会写一篇英语作文,阐述创新的意义.100字左右. 哪位好心人帮我分析下这部分电路工作原理,黑线圈住的部分 哪位好心人帮我找下有关食品安全的时事?要时事 哪位好心人帮我找下关于十字军东征的英文介绍吧~拜托谢谢~