the +词性+of

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 23:06:17

the +词性+of
the +词性+of

the +词性+of
the +名词/代词+of

是“the +名词+of " 吧。
in the absence of 缺乏;不在;无……时
In the absence of anybody more experienced, I took command. 由于找不到其他更有经验的人,只好由我来指挥。
I was obliged to accept it as true in the ab...


是“the +名词+of " 吧。
in the absence of 缺乏;不在;无……时
In the absence of anybody more experienced, I took command. 由于找不到其他更有经验的人,只好由我来指挥。
I was obliged to accept it as true in the absence of other evidence. 我在缺乏其他证据的情况下只好把它看成真的。
in the act of 正在做……时
He was caught in the act of stealing. 他在行窃时被当场抓住。
In the act of picking up the ball, he slipped and fell. 他在拣球时滑了一跤。
in the case of 就……来说,至于
Poverty depresses most people; in the case of my father it was otherwise. 贫困使多数人消沉,但我父亲却并不这样。
Climate is especially important in the case of articles that are readily affected by moisture. 对容易受潮的商品来说,气候因素特别重要。
in the course of 在……期间,在……过程中
He mentioned it in the course of conversation. 他在谈话中提及那事。
In the course of the discussion many constructive opinions were heard. 在讨论当中,听到了很多具有建设性的意见。
in the direction of 朝……方向
A woman was seen running in the direction of the station. 有人看见一名女子朝着车站的方向奔去。
Those with book learning must develop in the direction of practice. 有书本知识的人应该向实践方面发展。
in the event of 如果,万一
In the event of rain, the party will be held indoors. 如果天下雨,聚会在室内进行。
In the event of fire, leave the building as quickly as possible. 遇上了火灾,应尽快离开大厦。
in the eyes of 有……看来
In the eyes of the public, the price is too high. 在公众看来,物价太高了。
【注】其中的eyes也可换成单数,但不如用复数普通。该表达的另一表达是in one’s eyes。如:
In your father’s eyes, you’re still a child. 在你父亲看来,你还是个孩子。
in the face of 在……面前;不顾
He was brave in the face of danger. 面对危险他表现得很勇敢。
We fought on in the face of terrible odds. 尽管力屈势穷,我们还是战斗下去。
in the form of 以……的形式
The novel is cast in the form of a diary. 这部小说是以日记的形式写的。
Our soundings are displayed in the form of a graph. 我们的调查结果已用图表列出。
Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
in the front of 在……内的前部
The driver sits in the front of the bus. 公共汽车上的司机都是坐在车前的。
In the front of the picture is the figure of a man. 在这张照片的最前面是一位男士。
【注】in the front of与in front of用法不同,前者表示“在……的前部”,指范围之内的前部;后者表示“在……前面”,指范围之外的前面。如:
There’s a bus stop in front of the school. 学校前面有个公共汽车站。
I prefer to travel in the front of the car. 我喜欢坐在汽车的前面。
而at the front of则兼有以上两个短语的意思和用法。如:
He planted some trees at the front of the house. 他在房子前面种了些树。
The noisy children were asked to sit at the front of the class. 爱吵闹的小孩被老师调到前排去。
in the habit of 有……的习惯
I am in the habit of brushing my teeth twice daily. 我习惯每天刷两次牙。
She is in the habit of resting after lunch. 她有午饭后休息一下的习惯。
in the hands of 由……控制(处理、照管)
It allows of no freedom except in the hands of the great masters. 除大手笔外,一般人是不可能游刃有余的。
The prime minister was a mere tool in the hands of the country’s president. 那个总理只不过是该国总统的马前卒。
in the hope of 希望,期待
She lived in the hope of seeing one of her sons succeed. 她生活的寄托就是期望儿子当中有人能出人头地。
I called in the hope of finding her at home. 我希望她能在家才给她打的电话。
【注】有时也说in hopes of。如:
I’m in hopes of succeeding. 我怀着获得成功的希望。
in the interest of 为……的缘故(利益)
I agreed to pick her up in the interest of saving time. 我为了节省时间答应去接她。
He is about to make trips abroad in the interest of his company. 他为了公司的事即将出国。
In the interest(s) of safety, no smoking is allowed. 为了安全,严禁吸烟。
in the light of 考虑到;根据;由于;鉴于
We shall have to change our decision in the light of what you have just said. 考虑到你刚刚发表的意见,我们要改变我们的决定。
It is to be regarded as excusable in the light of circumstances. 考虑到具体情况,这将被看作是可以原谅的。
We need rethink our plan in light of this new information. 由于这个新的信息,我们需要重新考虑这项计划。
In light of the report, let’s try a different approach to the problem. 根据这份报告,我们来试试用别的方法解决这个问题吧。
in the middle of 在……当中;在……的中途;正忙于
She sat quite still in the middle of her bed. 她一动不动地坐在床中间。
He got here in the middle of the night. 他在半夜到达这里。
I was in the middle of making a pie for dinner when the telephone rang. 我正忙着做正餐吃的馅饼,这时电话铃响了。
in the midst of 在……之中;正当……的时候
They departed in the midst of a heavy rain. 他们在大雨中离去。
I’m afraid I can’t go. I’m in the midst of writing a report. 对不起我不能去,我正忙于写份报告。
in the name of 以……的名义;代表;看在……份上
In the name of the King, I arrest you. 我以国王的名义逮捕你。
I speak in the name of her. 我代表她发言。
In the name of love, stop it. 看在爱的份上,别再这样做了。
in the neighbourhood of 在……附近;大约
She lives in the neighbourhood of a shopping centre. 她住在一个商店区的附近。
She was paid in the neighbourhood of 3,000 dollars for the damage. 她得到约3,000美元的赔偿金。
in the presence of 在……面前;面临着
He was questioned in the presence of a large number of people. 他当着许多人的面受质问。
He was calm in the presence of danger. 面对危险,他镇定自若。
in the region of 在……范围内;在……左右,接近
He is an authority in the region of chemistry. 他是化学界的权威。
We have somewhere in the region of 500 firefighters in this area. 在这个地区,我们大约有500名消防人员。
in the process of 在……的过程中
We’re still in the process of moving house. 我们还正在搬着家呢。
The building is in the process of being restored. 那栋建筑物正在修复中。
in the vicinity of 在……附近;与……接近
The stolen car was found in the vicinity of the station. 被盗的汽车在车站附近被找到。
All meteorites are of the same age, somewhere in the vicinity of 4.5 billion years old. 所有陨石年代都差不多,大约在45亿年左右。
in the wake of 随……到来之后;作为……的结果
Outbreaks of disease occurred in the wake of the drought. 那场旱灾过后疾病丛生。
【注】有时也说in one’s wake。如:
The war brought many social changes in its wake. 经过这场战争,社会发生了很多变化。
in the way of 在……方面;妨碍
Our country has done much in the way of inventions. 在发明方面我国作出了许多贡献。
Your car is getting in the way of others. 你的汽车挡道了。
