SAT语法IE题,1.Flints found in the rgion extending from the Nile Valley to the highlands of eastern Iraq (attests to) the presence of people there as long ago as one hundred thousand years.2.(In a world that) the rate of technologival and social ch

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:26:04

SAT语法IE题,1.Flints found in the rgion extending from the Nile Valley to the highlands of eastern Iraq (attests to) the presence of people there as long ago as one hundred thousand years.2.(In a world that) the rate of technologival and social ch
1.Flints found in the rgion extending from the Nile Valley to the highlands of eastern Iraq (attests to) the presence of people there as long ago as one hundred thousand years.
2.(In a world that) the rate of technologival and social change accelerates frighteningly,change itself often seems to be the only constant.
3.The Mount Isa mine complex is one of {the most highly mechanized} in the world,(plus being) the largest single industrial enterprise in Queensland.
错的都用()标注了,请问错在那里,怎么改正?最后一句{}里的不应该是名词吗?为什么是对的?反而PLUS BEING错了?

SAT语法IE题,1.Flints found in the rgion extending from the Nile Valley to the highlands of eastern Iraq (attests to) the presence of people there as long ago as one hundred thousand years.2.(In a world that) the rate of technologival and social ch
第三问{}里是正确的,英语中是有这种表达在THE后面省略了名词性短语中的名词,这句话是一个经典的标准用法,即用THE + ADJ.最高级来表示一类...另外还有一种直接用THE+形容词来表示一类人如 THE YOUNG 表示年轻人,两种情况中是有细微差别的; 另外 后面的括号里错误有很多,首先BEING是多余的,后面的名词可以共用前面的IS,两个词起一个作用,是重复了,其次,PLUS作连词在SAT里被认为是不恰当用法(可以查一下PLUS本来也不是连词)应该改掉,而在SAT的语法里是要求并列结构中(两个或两个以上)必须有一个连词在最后一个和倒数第二个并列成分之间或仅有的两个成分之间,而这个句子中两个名词描述显然是并列关系,所以他们之间必须有一个合适的并列连词,在这句话里可以接受的改法只有把",PLUS BEING" 改成一个"AND"

SAT语法IE题,1.Flints found in the rgion extending from the Nile Valley to the highlands of eastern Iraq (attests to) the presence of people there as long ago as one hundred thousand years.2.(In a world that) the rate of technologival and social ch SAT语法想要700,IE题一般错几个之内?如题. sat语法题ip 【SAT语法】一道SAT的IE语法题(Centuries ago), the Greek physician Hippocrates (advocated) collecting data (from) patients in order (to be drawing) conclusionand diagnose diseases. (No error.)Q:错误的应该是哪一个?是(from)还是(to sat ie 真题请问C为什么错了? SAT语法几道语法题 SAT语法句子改善题 一道SAT OC 语法题> sat语法, SAT语法. SAT语法和数学瓶颈!我语法拿2013年1月和5月都是错8个,要么前面IS错多了后面IE做的不错要么前面IS还行后面IE错多 怎么办!有一半多的题是做错后返回去看就懂的但是做的时候就会错 题型什么 向大家请教2个sat语法题(IE)1.Those who defend sequoia trees from loggers justified doing so on the ground that such trees are irreplaceable.这里的justified为什么是错的?2.Africa's Kanem empire,after enduring for over a thousand years, SAT刚开始练一些IE题,让我打破了高中语法世界观,求各路大神帮帮小弟!分都给你们1.The exchange between the teacher and the student promotes learning far different from that which results (as) the student listens but does no 请教大家1个sat语法题(IE)When Doris Lessing published The Golden Notebook in 1962,it instantly established herself as one of the most important literature voices of her generation.这里的it为什么是错的? 一道sat语法题【ie】[Opposite to] most people I know,Annie,a good photographer [herself],actually [enjoys seeing] the photographs that her friends take [on their] vacation.E.NO error. 一道SAT语法IE题Every year,toy manufacturers gather groups of children into playrooms,observing their choices of toys (as predicting) which new products will becomethe most popular.为什么括号里的as predicting错了?是什么语法错误? sat 语法ie题After all in the family made (their) television debut,(other) situation comedies began (to explore) (a variety of) social issues.为什么A是错的呢? 一道sat的语法题,解释