the reason why是定语从句,the reason that是同位语从句,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 09:42:41

the reason why是定语从句,the reason that是同位语从句,
the reason why是定语从句,the reason that是同位语从句,

the reason why是定语从句,the reason that是同位语从句,
一、the reason why肯定是定语从句
二、the reason that 不一定都是定语从句,分以下两种情况
He gave me the reason that he got up too late this morning.
2.当that 后面加的句子是不完整的句子的话(也就是缺少主语、宾语或表语时),那它就是定语从句了,例如
I believe the reason that he gave.
He gave me the reason that was unbelievable.(他给了我一个令人难以置信的解释

the reason why是定语从句,the reason that是同位语从句
the reason why you are late
the reason that I can't understand


The reason that you told is misleading 你告诉我的原因是错误的-----这里就是定语从句了
The reason that she was died 原因就是她死了-----这就是同位语了
其实要说个笼统的就是说同位语从句里边that 两边是相等的,就是A is B ,B is A...the reaso...


The reason that you told is misleading 你告诉我的原因是错误的-----这里就是定语从句了
The reason that she was died 原因就是她死了-----这就是同位语了
其实要说个笼统的就是说同位语从句里边that 两边是相等的,就是A is B ,B is A...the reason that she was died 其实就是 the reason=she was died


the reason why是定语从句,the reason that是同位语从句, The reason why he is here is simple.是同位语从句还是定语从句? the reason why you will never become rich是定语从句还是原因状语从句还是同位语从句 I don’t know the reason why he said these words.里面的why引导的从句是定语从句why在从句中做什么成分 The main reason why he lost his job was that he drank.是定语从句还是同位语从句? reason 后如果是why 引导的从句 都是定语从句吗?1 The reason why.如果是 why 引导的从句 都是定语从句吗?2 The reason that .引导的从句,是同位语从句,还是定语从句呢?可以 举例子 进行讲解分析. 这两个句子,哪个是对的,为什么,定语从句this is the reason that why .this is the reason why. The reason why he was chosen remains unknown why在从句中是做宾语吗网上写的是这句话是定语从句 They could not truly see the reason why he always held a candle.why后是定语从句还是同位语从句? 定语从句中reason后面能用why引导么The reason why I came here was to get your help.这句话是定语从句么?这句话是对的么? The reason why ...是什么从句?The reason why ...这类句型的句子是什么从句啊?例:The reason why he didn't accept the job was that he would go abroad soon.why引导的是定语从句还是同位语从句? the reason that引导从句,如何判断为定语从句和同位语从句呢She didn’t answer for the simple reason that she couldn’t think of anything to say.这句话是同位语从句,为什么?the reason why``` is because 和the reason why``` 前半部分是定语从句还是同位语从句?The reason why he was dismissed is that hewas careless.The reason (why he was dismissed )is that hewas careless. 定语从句,the reason 后,什么时候用why或 that请用例句说明. the reason后的定语从句that 与why 如何区别呢? the reason why定语从句中,为什么名称后面是一个原因状语,状语不是不修饰名词吗,如果不是,why修饰什么,它为什么是状语 He doesn t tell us the reason why he is ofen late for school.是定语从句还是同位语从句,为什么? 谁能帮忙在定语从句先行词是reason的,连系词用why或that各造个定语从句