
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 03:26:44


1.I know one man,he has the same tattoo as you have.
2.No,I always thought you were him.
"Mr.Smith,regarding your casino,I think I have the ability to pay you peerless price.Of course,including that beautiful guy.How do you think?"
"No problem.But before that I think I should have an interesting auction first.If not my name in the business world will be pollute by the unfaithfulness."
"If so,I hope you will have a happy development with that beautiful guy."
"Ah,Mr Smith really have an sharp eye here,of course I will let him happy."
"I hope so."
4."I thought you said you will pay more than anyone can?But why...
"40 million is my lower boundary.Unfortunately someone took it.I am sorry."

1, I know a man, his body and you have the same tattoos.
2, No, I always you as he is.
3, "Mr.Smith, on your casino, I think I can pay you more than any person should be a high price, of c...


1, I know a man, his body and you have the same tattoos.
2, No, I always you as he is.
3, "Mr.Smith, on your casino, I think I can pay you more than any person should be a high price, of course, including the President who beautiful. Do you think how» "
"No problem, but I think I need to be held before an interesting auction, otherwise I fear that the reputation of shopping centres on a cast of a notorious bad faith."
"That is of course."
"Well, I hope you and the President who pretty happy to have the progress."
"Uh, Mr.Smith really good eyesight, I will let him very happy."
"I hope so."
4, "you said you would not put more than any person should be a high price?« How…… "
"I 4000000000 is the bottom line, but has been occupied. I am sorry."


I know a man, he have same tattoo with yours.( 这句话是不是从科幻小说 天幕消失里来的?呵呵。我也看过)我只有翻这句的功力。:-P

1.I knew a man who has the same tatoo with yours.
2.No, I always mistake you to him.
3.--Talking about your casino, Mr.Smith, I think I can offer you the highest prise for it and of course in...


1.I knew a man who has the same tatoo with yours.
2.No, I always mistake you to him.
3.--Talking about your casino, Mr.Smith, I think I can offer you the highest prise for it and of course including that "sweet guy".What do you think?
--Not any problem.But i think i need to hold an intresting auction beforehand, or i'll get a bad reputation of bad credit in this field.
--Then i hope you and that "sweet guy" get on well.
--You are sharp,Mr.Smith. i am sure i'll make him satisfaction.
--I hope so.
4.--You gave me promise that you will offer me a most competitive prise. but why you..?
5.--4 billion is my lowest boundary. I'm sorry that it's been occupied.


lilytheng的比较好,不过我认为Beautiful Guy应该翻译为handsome或是Dude.

英语翻译1、我认识一个男人,他身上有和你一样的刺青.2、不,我总是把你看成是他.3、“Mr.Smith,关于你的赌场,我想我可以付给你比任何人都要高昂的价钱,当然,包括那位漂亮的先生.你觉得如 英语翻译1.他和他父亲带了一晚上的旅馆是一个五星级的旅馆.2.你认识是刚才和我握手的人吗? 英语翻译就是这里:我和我的朋友去滑冰,不小心掉进了河里,有一位女孩在岸上拉我们,突然,我见到一个男人,我叫他用他的皮带拉我们一下,他却说,不行,我这个皮带400多元,不过我可以帮你打1 一个男人,爱一个女人,为什么他想和你有孩子? 当一个男人说后悔认识你了说明什么?一个男人,我们关系很好,他很关心我,对我很好.他第一次为别人哭,也是为我,他为了我,破了很多例 现在我们仍然联系,但是他却说他后悔认识我,我很困惑, 认识了一个离过婚的男人36岁,他工作很忙,其实我对他蛮有好感,他应该也感觉得到,但是他不常联系我,好像他是有女朋友的,但是他却告诉我单身,我该不该相信他,还是该继续和他发展,我们认 求一篇文章,或许是个小故事求名字或者内容.有一个女士,当她很老了 去参加一场宴会时候 ,有一个男人向她走来.他说:“我认识你,也记得你,那时候你还年轻,美丽,但是我要告诉你,现在的你 英语翻译从前我有一个好男人 一个非常非常爱我的人 但是有一天 我失去了他 男人都很小心眼和小气吗?我是一个很喜欢闹的女孩 和对象处了1年多了 这两天认识了一个30的男人 经常在一起聊天 打闹 对象知道了 生气了 吃醋了 说我喜欢他 可是我不喜欢他 只是拿他当 叫我不要浪费时间精力了什么意思我认识一个女孩,我24她23,很喜欢她,每天去找她聊天还算愉快,大概有一个月吧我请他吃饭,给她买东西,她刚失恋,他叫我不要在他身上浪费时间和精力了,我该 英语翻译1 你和那个女孩熟悉吗?2 我们俩非常熟悉,都已经认识8年了.3 我和那个男的不太熟悉,还是你去问他吧.4 我们三个人非常熟悉,是很多年的好朋友了.5 你认识他多久了?我才认识他三天而 男人左手感情线我认识一个男人他左手没感情线 就事业和生命都很长的.就是明显没感情线是不是他没感情啊? 男人给你亲下面就是真的爱你吗?我男朋友在认识我以前女人很多,但现在都没有了,就是偶尔上上网和朋友打个电话,他追我的时候我一点也不喜欢他而且还有点讨厌他,可有一次聚会中我喝多 男人说要做女人的情人是什么含义?有一个男人,对我很好,但他只想愿做情人?我和他都有自己的家. 一个男人对女人说,你的黄金年龄已经过了.我24岁,一个经人介绍刚认识大我2岁的男的对我说,你的黄金年龄已经过了.又说什么现实,女人熬不起等.他说了我们先做普通朋友,和我聊这些是帮我 英语翻译晚上和一个英国男人发短信,之前一直问互相在做什么,他说他在吃饭,然后我说你吃吧,不打扰你了.然后他就不回了.夜里,他突然发来一条,youre funny girl.我晕了,我问他我怎么了.他回“ 英语翻译晚上和一个英国男人发短信,之前一直问互相在做什么,他说他在吃饭,然后我说你吃吧,不打扰你了.然后他就不回了.夜里,他突然发来一条,youre funny girl.我晕了,我问他我怎么了.他回“ 越陷越深我认识了一个28岁的男人,我今年16岁,他对我说见我第一次,就很喜欢我,说我很阳光,很可爱,很乖,我想他不喜欢那种花枝招展的女人,而我也喜欢他这种成熟的男人,但是和成熟的男人在