
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 19:15:03


It is so difficult for the childhood partners to get together again since I began to work,I saw Amanda again .She showed us excellent billiard skills she acquired several months ago ,but she eventually died on the billiard table.moreover,she is getting funnier and funnier and always saying that I am quite aware that I have got fatter and sophisticated ,I also know that you do not all like my short hair .I made an oath that I would hit you with billiard ball if you were found to mention it again .

After work, a few small it is hard to get together again, see Amanda again today. She showed us her months practice of billiards skill, but she finally died on the pool table. And she is more and more...


After work, a few small it is hard to get together again, see Amanda again today. She showed us her months practice of billiards skill, but she finally died on the pool table. And she is more and more charming, always say: "I know I gained the vicissitudes of life, and I know you don't like my new cut short hair, I swear if you again I'll use billiards batter to death you."


since I work,my innocent playmates are hard to get together.

Since, after several rounds of small it's hard to get together, and we see Amanda today. She shows us her months acquired superior billiard skill, but she ended up dying on the pool table. And she's g...


Since, after several rounds of small it's hard to get together, and we see Amanda today. She shows us her months acquired superior billiard skill, but she ended up dying on the pool table. And she's getting funny, always says: "I knew I was getting fat vicissitudes, I know you don't like my new hair cut in, I swear to God, if you bring it up again, I'll hit you with the pool. ”


After we work, our old friends is very difficult to gather together.Today I saw Amanda.She showed her several months have superb billiards skills to the US, but shefinally died on the billiard table. ...


After we work, our old friends is very difficult to gather together.Today I saw Amanda.She showed her several months have superb billiards skills to the US, but shefinally died on the billiard table. But she is more and more funny, always say: "I know I'm getting fat into the vicissitudes of life, I know you don't like my newshort cut, I swear if you again I killed you with billiards."


英语翻译自从工作后,几个发小很难再聚在一起,今天又见到了Amanda.她向我们展示了她几个月里面练就的高超台球技艺,但是她最后死在台球桌上了.而且她越来越风趣,总说:“我知道我变胖了 自从他来到这个城市,Jack一直在这家工厂工作 英语翻译 英语翻译自从我变成一滩狗屎,就再也没人踩在我脑袋上了. 自从报道了燕子在居民家筑巢 这一消息后. 英语翻译:自从香港回归中国后,发生了很多的变化. 自从王敏在一矩形的青少年朗读比赛得了冠军后他现在可是什么歇后语 英语翻译各位领导早上好,我很高兴/很荣幸在这里向各位介绍自己.我的名字是XXX,我出生在XX这座美丽的小城市.自从6年前大学毕业后,我一直在XX宾馆工作,我的工作岗位是前台,我非常喜欢这份 英语翻译自从X走后,是你一直给与我帮助和支持,在这里我对您表示感谢!现在我已经把X那里的工作都交接给了Y,希望Y能有个 崭新的开始.也请您放心,我会尽我的努力帮助Y的.我打算这两天把Y 英语翻译填空题,紧急,有悬赏,关于现在完成时的学生们还没学到这个段落 那个老师已经在学校工作10年了 你曾经去过北京几次 他们已经写好读书报告了吗? 自从我来到这个班级后,他就教我 测井放射源对人体的伤害有多大?曾经多次的在源库内工作,最长的时候会连续一天在库内,自从那次回来后,总觉得身体很累,大概有半个多月才觉得好一点,但是只要一劳动就又会觉得很累,现在 汉译英 自从新政策生效后很多小自从新政策生效后,很多小企业在这个城市涌现出来(spring up) 英语翻译④为什么自从1990年以来有如此大的变化⑤张先生在北京短暂留后已经回到香港了 英语翻译几个词组⒈提供一份工作给你 ⒉当一名演员⒊出演校剧 英语翻译1.那家超市关门了.2.玛丽正在高兴地跳舞.3.他们日日夜夜的工作.4.自从2000年以来,我的家乡发生了很大的变化.5.第二天,我们一早就出发了. 自从2000年,他一直在这里工作.用英语怎么翻译?急用 在农场工作英语翻译 在《一夜的工作》中,是从哪几个方面叙述周总理一夜的工作的 英语翻译自从有了移动电话后,他再也没有给朋友写信了.(no longer )