高中英语43用英语正确时态填空问题last night i went out with some friends to the new theatre.i____(neverbe)to the new theatre before.when we______(arrive)at the theatre,theplay ________(already start).i______(enjoy)the play very much,alt

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:02:08

高中英语43用英语正确时态填空问题last night i went out with some friends to the new theatre.i____(neverbe)to the new theatre before.when we______(arrive)at the theatre,theplay ________(already start).i______(enjoy)the play very much,alt
last night i went out with some friends to the new theatre.i____(never
be)to the new theatre before.when we______(arrive)at the theatre,the
play ________(already start).i______(enjoy)the play very much,although
i____(see)it once before.i____(see) some neighbours of mine at the
theatre,but i______(cannot speak) to them.there_____(be)too many
people.i looked for them at the end of the play,but they_______(already
leave).as the weather______(be)fine,we_______(decide)to walk to
the restaurant.but when we_______(get)to the restaurant,we found
to the restaurant.but when we____(get)to the restaurant,we found
that it______(close).we took a taxi home,as the last bus______(already

高中英语43用英语正确时态填空问题last night i went out with some friends to the new theatre.i____(neverbe)to the new theatre before.when we______(arrive)at the theatre,theplay ________(already start).i______(enjoy)the play very much,alt
Last night I went out with some friends to the new theatre.I ( had never
been ) to the new theatre before.when we (arrived )at the theatre,the
play (had already started ).I (enjoyed ) the play very much,although
I (had seen )it once before.I (saw) some neighbours of mine at the
theatre,but I (couldn't speak) to them.There ( were) too many
people.I looked for them at the end of the play,but they ( had already
left).As the weather ( was) fine,we (decided) to walk to
the restaurant.But when we (got) to the restaurant,we found
to the restaurant ,we found that it ( had been closed).We took a taxi home,as the last bus ( had already gone)
解析:根据 last night ,全文基本采用过去式.第一个根据before ,是发生在过去的过去,用过完成时态.第三空,在我们到之前就开始了,也用过去完成时.第五个根据before ,过去完成时.第九个,我去找他们的时候,他们已经离开了,是过去的过去,还是完成时.第十三空,餐馆是被关,且在我们去之前就关了,用过去完成被动时态.最后一空,也是末班车走了是发生在我们坐出租车前,过去的过去,还是过去完成时.

had never been
had already started
had seen
couldnot speak
had already left
had been closed
had already gone.

had never been
had already started
had seen
couldn't speak
had already left
had closed
had already gone

昨天晚上我和几个朋友去新开的剧院。我之前从未去过那里。i had never been (never
be)to the new theatre before。当我们到达那里时,表演已经开始。when we arrived (arrive)at the theatre,the play had already started (already start).我非常...


昨天晚上我和几个朋友去新开的剧院。我之前从未去过那里。i had never been (never
be)to the new theatre before。当我们到达那里时,表演已经开始。when we arrived (arrive)at the theatre,the play had already started (already start).我非常喜欢这个话剧,尽管我以前曾经看过一次。i enjoyed (enjoy)the play very much,although i had seen (see)it once before.
我在剧院看到一些邻居,但我不能跟他们讲话。i saw (see) some neighbours of mine at the
theatre,but i couldn'tspeak (cannot speak) to them.那里有太多的人there were (be)too many people.我在话剧结束时去找他们,但他们已经离开了。i looked for them at the end of the play,but they had already left (already leave).因为天气非常好,我们决定走着去餐馆。as the
weather was (be)fine,we decided (decide)to walk to the restaurant.但是当我们到达餐馆的时候,却发现它已经关门了。but when we got (get)to the restaurant,we found
that it had been closed (close).我们打了辆出租车回家,因为末班公交车已经走了。we took a taxi home,as the last bus had already gone (already go)


昨天晚上我和几个朋友去新开的剧院。我之前从未去过那里。i had never been (never
be)to the new theatre before。当我们到达那里时,表演已经开始。when we arrived (arrive)at the theatre,the play had already started (already start).我非常...


昨天晚上我和几个朋友去新开的剧院。我之前从未去过那里。i had never been (never
be)to the new theatre before。当我们到达那里时,表演已经开始。when we arrived (arrive)at the theatre,the play had already started (already start).我非常喜欢这个话剧,尽管我以前曾经看过一次。i enjoyed (enjoy)the play very much,although i had seen (see)it once before.
我在剧院看到一些邻居,但我不能跟他们讲话。i saw (see) some neighbours of mine at the
theatre,but i couldn'tspeak (cannot speak) to them.那里有太多的人there were (be)too many people.我在话剧结束时去找他们,但他们已经离开了。i looked for them at the end of the play,but they had already left (already leave).因为天气非常好,我们决定走着去餐馆。as the
