逗号后面能用And吗比如He is positive,and he didn't give up.这个句子对吗?如果不对,请说一下And,But的用法,比如,怎么样才算句子之类的,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 22:00:13

逗号后面能用And吗比如He is positive,and he didn't give up.这个句子对吗?如果不对,请说一下And,But的用法,比如,怎么样才算句子之类的,
比如He is positive,and he didn't give up.这个句子对吗?如果不对,请说一下And,But的用法,比如,怎么样才算句子之类的,

逗号后面能用And吗比如He is positive,and he didn't give up.这个句子对吗?如果不对,请说一下And,But的用法,比如,怎么样才算句子之类的,

逗号后面能用And吗比如He is positive,and he didn't give up.这个句子对吗?如果不对,请说一下And,But的用法,比如,怎么样才算句子之类的, 副词后面可跟逗号吗?比如说 ...,and therefore,... 也可以不用逗号隔开?还是根本就不能用逗号隔开 Because 引导句子放前面,后面要加 逗号?Because he was ill ,he didn't come here.2.能用he is ill. He is a strict but kind techer ______is always trying to make his class lively and interestingonehe one he he oneteacher 后面有逗号 and后面能不能+逗号 如果不能用个什么词既有并且的意思 又能+逗号 so long as后面能用and吗比如:so long as…… ,and…… 逗号后面能加and吗?最好举个小短例句, 关于英语be动词用法he后面为什么能用is不是用does吗? but可以放在句首、逗号前和逗号后面吗?because可以放在句首、逗号前和逗号后面吗?and可以放在句首、逗号前和逗号后面吗?so可以放在句首、逗号前和逗号后面吗? 破折号前面能用逗号吗 非限制性定语从句中,如果有逗号,后面就不能用that了吗 带and的并列句如果有逗号隔开and后面一定要加主语吗 英语中同时发生好几个动作,中间用什么符号 能用逗号吗比如这句话符号用的对吗?It can determine the directions,unify recognition,plan action and fix deviation. 英语翻译比如为什么逗号后面会用Can we. He is lonely 还是alone呢?be动词后面不应该加形容词吗.像He is lucky to .这里就不能用luckily阿 “主谓宾,主谓宾,and主谓宾.”这种句子会成为病句吗?用逗号隔开就行吗?例如:He is a good boy,She is a good girl,and Tom is a good boy. 关于有逗号隔开的定语从句有逗号隔开的定从是非限制性定语从句吗?比如~He has 3 sons,and all of them are teachers.这个句子变定从是He has 3 sons,all of whom are teachers.那可不可以写成He has 3 sons,of whom all 引号里面有句号(或感叹号)后面还能用逗号吗?我的意思是后面的引号后面!汗~~~~~~~