找出文章的错误和标上标点符号!>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 标下标点符号 (逗号 或句号 等等的)还有找出错误的字 >< (不是要翻译喔)以下Once upun a time in a land far far away they’re lived a ki

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:34:15

找出文章的错误和标上标点符号!>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 标下标点符号 (逗号 或句号 等等的)还有找出错误的字 >< (不是要翻译喔)以下Once upun a time in a land far far away they’re lived a ki
>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 标下标点符号 (逗号 或句号 等等的)
还有找出错误的字 >< (不是要翻译喔)
Once upun a time in a land far far away they’re lived a king king clement’s wife had died many years ago and left him with one daughter.Princess Elizabeth was the most precious thing to king clement whatever his daughter wanted king clement would give her one day the king announced that a new statue would be shown at the courtyard fountain on the opening day of the country fare soon all the townspeople were talking about the statue to be place in the courtyard stories were spreading that was the king’s daughter princess Elizabeth herself who had made it.
While all this talk was doing on peter the baker was out of town and did not her the stories on the day of the fair everybody gathered in the castle courtyard music was playing games were set up and food served halfway through the celebration trumpets sounded as the king unveiled the statue for the towns fountain.
When the statue was uncovered the crowd oohed and awed and clapped and cheered ‘’ beautiful’’ yealled a group of woman ‘’superb’’ called the men at the black now the strange thing about this all was that the statue was quite ugly of courze since everybody knew who made it but nobody dared say anything bad in fear of the kings anger.All but poor Peter the baker who did not know this he laughed out loud and exclaimed ’’we can’t put that thing in the courtyard,its emeressing.
The whole crowd went silent and they turned to the king standing on the steps of the castle everybody waited to hear the order for Peter to be thrown in the dungun the king spoke slowly ‘’ come here young man’’ Peter went to stand next to the king my loyal subject said the king my daughter and I have played a little trick we wished to see if people would be honest with us we brought out this hideous statue and had everybody believe my daughter make it but her is her real one the guards brought out a statue that was remarkeable this young man,said the king,was the only person who was honest with us he shown me he can be trusted in fact trusted enough to have my daughter’s hand in marriage after that Peter was not known as Peter the baker anymore.

找出文章的错误和标上标点符号!>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 标下标点符号 (逗号 或句号 等等的)还有找出错误的字 >< (不是要翻译喔)以下Once upun a time in a land far far away they’re lived a ki
Once upun a time,in a land far far away,there lived a king.King Clement’s wife died many years ago and left him with one daughter.Princess Elizabeth was the most precious thing to king Clement.Whatever his daughter wanted,king Clement would give her.One day the king announced that a new statue would be shown at the courtyard fountain on the opening day of the country.Farely soon all the townspeople were talking about the statue to be placed in the courtyard.Stories were spreading that the king’s daughter princess Elizabeth herself who had made it.
While all this talk was going on,Peter,the baker ,was out of town and did not tell her the stories.On the day of the fair everybody gathered in the castle courtyard.Music was playing; games were set up and food served halfway through.The celebration trumpets sounded as the king unveiled the statue for the towns fountain.
When the statue was uncovered the crowd oohed and awed and clapped and cheered.‘’ Beautiful’’ yealled a group of woman.‘’Superb’’ called the men at the black.Now the strange thing about this was that the statue was quite ugly.Of courze since everybody knew who made it but nobody dared say anything bad in fear of the kings anger.All but poor Peter,the baker who did not know this.He laughed out loud and exclaimed ’’we can’t put that thing in the courtyard.It's embarassing.
The whole crowd went silent and they turned to the king standing on the steps of the castle.everybody waited to hear the order for Peter to be thrown into the dungun.The king spoke slowly ‘’ Come here,young man’’ Peter went to stand next to the king."My loyal subject ," said the king "my daughter and I have played a little trick,we wished to see if people would be honest with us.We brought out this hideous statue and had everybody believe my daughter make it but here is her real one." The guards brought out a statue that was remarkable ."This young man," said the king,"was the only person who was honest with us,he shew me he can be trusted,in fact ,trusted enough to have my daughter’s hand in marriage." after that Peter was not known as Peter,the baker,anymore.

17个错 标点有16个错

找出文章的错误和标上标点符号!>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 标下标点符号 (逗号 或句号 等等的)还有找出错误的字 >< (不是要翻译喔)以下Once upun a time in a land far far away they’re lived a ki 找出文章的错误和标上标点符号!>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 标下标点符号 (逗号 或句号 等等的)还有找出错误的字 >< (不是要翻译喔)以下Once upun a time in a land far far away they’re lived a ki 古人文章没有标点符号,这样做有什么好处啊?我们读古文,许多都是没标点符号的,读这样的文章和有标号的文章相比有没有什么益处啊? 有没有可以为文章错误的标点符号自动修改的软件 标点符号有没有错误 文章的叙述顺序一般有哪些标上序号 找出文章的错误文法或单词!>< 有没有人可以帮帮我把以下文章 找出错误的文法或单词 (帮我改正确)>< (不是要翻译喔)以下Mr.singular was a man of habit.He liked things to be same each and every day.This way he k 标点符号有错误没…大实验如何进行下去?会不会半途而废或是开倒车?大多数欧洲人将带着忐忑不安的心情步入2012年.标点符号有没有错误老师说这是个陈述句,问号应该该为逗号 新华书店的书真多啊( )有小人书( )有动漫书( )有( )有十万个为什么( )等等( )请标上正确的标点符号 找出有错误的字是 找出有错误的一项并改正. 标点符号使用错误的是 古代的文章中有标点符号吗?搜标点符号的历史! 下面一段文字有四处错误(标点符号除外),请找出并修改①日前 ,地球上的绿色之肺——森林一天天地正在萎缩.②近200年来,地球上的森林大约已有三分之一左右被采伐和毁掉;③而另一方 苹果的标点符号'没有了 一个无盖的正方体纸盒,正面标有字母“B”,右侧面标有字母“A”.请在右面展开图中找出正面所对的面,标上“正方形”;找出右侧面所对的面,标上“三角形”. 一个无盖的正方体纸盒,正面标有字母“B”,右侧面标有字母“A”.请在右面展开图中找出正面所对的面,标上“正方形”;找出右侧面所对的面,标上“三角形”.. 50个标点符号使用错误的病句