英语句子成分分析 this increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary.英语句子成分分析 this increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary,but not a sufficient,condition for the complex political system requ

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 21:36:38

英语句子成分分析 this increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary.英语句子成分分析 this increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary,but not a sufficient,condition for the complex political system requ
英语句子成分分析 this increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary.
英语句子成分分析 this increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary,but not a sufficient,condition for the complex political system required by advanced economic performance
condition for the complex.是独立主格?它和前面的句子是什么关系?

英语句子成分分析 this increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary.英语句子成分分析 this increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary,but not a sufficient,condition for the complex political system requ
首先,condition for the complex.不是独立主格.其实,是中间的插入语“but not a sufficient,”让人很容易对句子的成分感到迷惑.嗯,我们先去掉插入语,就可以看到句子变成了:this increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary condition for the complex political system required by advanced economic performance.
这样一来,句子结构就明显了.主语:this increasingly high level of education(即level)
谓语:is 表语:a condition 还有其他一大堆修饰成分,嗯,就是这样了.
而插入语“but not a sufficient,”就是起到补充说明的作用,necessary,but not a sufficient就是:必要但是不充分
a necessary,but not a sufficient,condition就是:一个必要不充分条件 了.

condition 在句子里是表语。 this increasingly high level of education 是主语, is 是系动词谓语,a necessary,but not a sufficient,condition---表语,意为:必须的但不是足够的条件


condition 在句子里是表语。 this increasingly high level of education 是主语, is 是系动词谓语,a necessary,but not a sufficient,condition---表语,意为:必须的但不是足够的条件


整个probably a necessary,but not a sufficient,condition for the complex political system required by advanced economic performance
都是is 的表语;
a necessary,but not a sufficient,conditi...


整个probably a necessary,but not a sufficient,condition for the complex political system required by advanced economic performance
都是is 的表语;
a necessary,but not a sufficient,condition 是必要不充分条件;
for the complex political system 做condition的定语;
required by advanced economic performance做 system的定语。
