
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 17:56:03

我高中毕业以后,同学组织了一次郊游,我们去了Dragon Lake Part,这是一个大的森林公园,丘陵起伏,有很多树木,中心是个大湖,传说很久以前有神龙栖息于此,因此得名.龙现在是看不见了,只留下了一片好景色.由于地处偏远,只有很少游客,不像其它的市区公园,每天都有一大批老年人在里面跳舞或是遛狗,这里偶尔只会遇到一两对青年的情侣在公园漫步.那时正是夏天,湖水中有连片的荷叶,有很多蜻蜓从湖面飞过,天气虽然很热,但是走在树荫底下很是凉爽,女孩子们都穿着各种各样美丽的裙子,在湖边一边走一边扇扇子.
我们在公园里走了一上午,然后大家又累又饿,于是找了一片湖边的草地,shared 我们的食物,我不是很会喝酒,但那天的日子比较特别,所以我也喝得很醉,欢乐的野餐结束后,我们就分别了.

My most favorite art work is called Apollo and Dephne done by Bernini. Apollo loved Dephne, but she refused his love. When Apollo was about to seize her, Dephne’s father turned her into a laurel tree. Bernini’s work describes the beautiful moment of her turning into a tree. Her hair flies in the air, arms becomes branches, the panic on her face, and Apollo’s finger placed on her leg. What surprised me the most is that Bernini had used the hard marble to express the smoothness and elasticity of girl’s skin, especially the part of her legs. Bernini’s art works always have a feeling of rising, and this work had fully embodied his talent. So if I have a chance one day I’d really want to go to Italy to see it.
After I graduated from high school, my classmates organized a trip to Dragon Lake Park. It is a large and hilly forest park. There are many trees and the center has a lake. A tale says that long ago there was a dragon living here, so the name was given. You can’t see the dragon now, but the nice scenery still appears. Since this park is located far from the city, it usually has few tourists. Whereas the other parks, during the summer, there are always many elders dancing and people walking their dogs. Sometimes you can also see young couples going there for walks. There are water lilies in the lake. Many dragonflies fly over them. Although the weather is hot, it’s still cool walking under the shade, girls wearing dresses with various styles walking along the side of the lake and fanning.
There is an age-old temple located on the hill beside the lake. It’s very neat and solemn. The inside of the red building is full of sculpture and portray. There is a deep cave behind the building. It was broken up a long time ago. A person used to stay in the cave for practices, and he finally became a master. This building was built for remembrance of him during the Qing Dynasty.
We walked in the park for the whole morning, and everyone was tired and hungry. So we sat on the grass aside of the lake and shared our food. We don’t know how to drink, but since it was a special day for us, we still drank a lot. After the great time of our picnic, we said goodbye to each others and ended our trip.
Good luck!