You must get your room ( )after breakfastAto be cleand B to clean C cleaning D cleandThey would not allow him( )acrossing the enenry line.A to risk going B risking to go Cfor risk to go D risk goingThe problems( )at tomorrow‘smeeting is

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 05:36:06

You must get your room ( )after breakfastAto be cleand B to clean C cleaning D cleandThey would not allow him( )acrossing the enenry line.A to risk going B risking to go Cfor risk to go D risk goingThe problems( )at tomorrow‘smeeting is
You must get your room ( )after breakfast
Ato be cleand B to clean C cleaning D cleand
They would not allow him( )acrossing the enenry line.
A to risk going B risking to go Cfor risk to go D risk going
The problems( )at tomorrow‘smeeting is a very diffcult one
A being discussed B to be discussed C discussed D to discussed

You must get your room ( )after breakfastAto be cleand B to clean C cleaning D cleandThey would not allow him( )acrossing the enenry line.A to risk going B risking to go Cfor risk to go D risk goingThe problems( )at tomorrow‘smeeting is
1、You must get your room ( )after breakfast
Ato be cleand B to clean C cleaning D cleand
这道题考词组:get sth to be done 使什么东西被做好.在这道题里是使(get)你的房间(your romm)被整理干净.整理干净和房间之间是被动关系.(因为A对的,BCD就不解释了,知道这个词组就可以做这道题了.)
2、They would not allow him( )acrossing the enenry line.
A to risk going B risking to go Cfor risk to go D risk going
这道题考了两个词组:allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事;risk doing sth 冒险做某事.当你看到题干里面有:allow him的时候,就要想起allow sb to do sth这个词组,所以选择含有to risk的选项.虽然这道题做到这里已经有答案了,但是为了以后的考试,我建议你顺带看一下另外一个考点:risk的用法.risk doing sth,所以后面应该跟going.毫无疑问地选择A了.
3、The problems( )at tomorrow‘smeeting is a very diffcult one
A being discussed B to be discussed C discussed D to discussed
翻译:这句句子打错了,正确的是:The problem ( )at tomorrow meeting is a very difficlut one.在明天会议上讨论的问题是很难的.
首先,做出这道题的关键是:at tomorrow meeting在明天的会议上,因为是明天所以还没有发生,应该用将来时.而to do不定式可以表示将来时,所以筛掉A和C.discuss讨论这个动作修饰problem问题,因为问题是被讨论的对象,所以要用被动态,选择B.
题到这里是做完了,从你打错这道题的题干来看,有很大的几率你没有了解这句句子的结构,我们来分析一下.这句句子的主干是:The problem is a very difficlut one.这是一个我们熟悉的简单句,但是它插入了一个修饰语修饰the problem,就是to be discussed at tomorrow meeting在明天的会议上将要被讨论的,变成了一个复合句.看上去一下子就张牙舞爪了.

get sth done. 是固定搭配。 “完成某事”的意思。
这里牵涉到两个知识点。一个是 allow sb to do sth. 第二个是risk doing sth. 不过allow还有另一种用法就是 allow doing. 例如: we don't allow smoking here.
因为是tomorrow. 还没有...


get sth done. 是固定搭配。 “完成某事”的意思。
这里牵涉到两个知识点。一个是 allow sb to do sth. 第二个是risk doing sth. 不过allow还有另一种用法就是 allow doing. 例如: we don't allow smoking here.
因为是tomorrow. 还没有被讨论,所以应该用to be done 表将来。


1 D get sb/sth. done 使。。。。被。。。。, 常用短语形式,类似的还有 have sb/sth. done
2 A allow sb to do sth 是固定搭配 表示 允许。。。做。。。
risk doing sth 也是固定搭配,表示 冒险做某事
3 B to be done 表示 将要被。。。。 此举由后面的 at t...


1 D get sb/sth. done 使。。。。被。。。。, 常用短语形式,类似的还有 have sb/sth. done
2 A allow sb to do sth 是固定搭配 表示 允许。。。做。。。
risk doing sth 也是固定搭配,表示 冒险做某事
3 B to be done 表示 将要被。。。。 此举由后面的 at tomorrow's meeting 得到提示。


D 被打扫
A allow sb to do 同意某人做某事
risk doing 冒险做某事
B 动词不定式表示将来 明天要讨论的问题 被讨论