比如答案是student‘s problem,但是我只填了problem,或者时态不对,漏了介词这些情况,雅思是怎么给分的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 13:11:22

比如答案是student‘s problem,但是我只填了problem,或者时态不对,漏了介词这些情况,雅思是怎么给分的
比如答案是student‘s problem,但是我只填了problem,或者时态不对,漏了介词这些情况,雅思是怎么给分的

比如答案是student‘s problem,但是我只填了problem,或者时态不对,漏了介词这些情况,雅思是怎么给分的

比如答案是student‘s problem,但是我只填了problem,或者时态不对,漏了介词这些情况,雅思是怎么给分的 student &s和student s有啥区别student是一个类 ,有一个函数接收student &s和student s,那这两个的区别是什么?引用地址和引用对象有啥区别? any other student表示的是复数,为什么student后不用加s? here are the student activity survey student activity survey为何不加是S every student 是单数还是负数?each student呢书上说Each student will have their own online teacher.为什么这里student不加s,又说their呢? student和town加撇s后的音标是? student's life in PS:这是一个作文题 是用student‘s还是students’ writer a report about___vacation carries the student’s C#中single是什么意思?不是textbox属性..是比如先定义了一个方法student()然后student.single()这是什么意思? most student 的 student 要加 s 英语中比如 I am a studen 可否说student 即是表语又是宾语 改错 1 There is a good many trees on the hill.答案说把is换成are 请问有a good many+可数名词复数这种用法么?2 Manya student come out.我个人认为是要去掉a 还要在student后加s 可答案说是直接在come后面加s .单 What's the mean of exchange student?exchange student是指生活中的什么人?一个child提的问题 who's a university student? M.S.student什么意思 英语 定冠词用法 一题1. They are having a meeting in reading-room.A. the student’s B. the students’ C. student’s D. students’答案是B 能讲解一下吗?sutdents' 作文形容词修饰 reading-room 还要加t My English teacher's was ---make every student burst into laughterMy English teacher's was _______make every student burst into laughter.A so as to B such as to C such that D so that 请问哪个答案是正确的,为什么?