
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:53:59


Beibei carries the blessing of prosperity,as the fish and water designs are symbols of prosperity and harvest in China's traditional culture and art.Beibei is strong in water sports,representing the blue Olympic ring.
Jingjing brings the blessing of happiness,making children smile.The adorable panda is a national treasure and a protected species.Jingjing is an athlete noted for strength,representing the black Olympic ring.
Huanhuan bestows the blessing of passion.The child of fire symbolizes the Olympic Flame,standing in the center of Friendlies as the core embodiment of the Olympic spirit.Huanhuan excels at all the ball games,representing the red Olympic ring.
Yingying carries the blessing of health as a symbol of the vastness of China's landscape.Yingying is strong in track and field events,representing the yellow Olympic ring.
Nini spreads good luck as a blessing.Interestingly,swallow and the old name of Beijing share the same Chinese character of "yan".Nini is strong in gymnastics,representing the green Olympic ring.

The mascots of 2008 Olympic Games are difficult form each other.They are made up of 5 friendlies.BeiBei is a fish,
JingJing is a panda,HuanHuan is a torch,YingYing is an
antelope and NiNi is a...


The mascots of 2008 Olympic Games are difficult form each other.They are made up of 5 friendlies.BeiBei is a fish,
JingJing is a panda,HuanHuan is a torch,YingYing is an
antelope and NiNi is a swallow.They stand for the traditional
culture and mean friendship and peace.When you put them
together,They mean You are welcome to Beijing.The peaple all
over the world are warmly welcomeed to the 2008 Olympic Games.


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