The article says we have to bid farewell to the holiday and resume our workbid在这里是什么意思呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 22:30:29

The article says we have to bid farewell to the holiday and resume our workbid在这里是什么意思呢?
The article says we have to bid farewell to the holiday and resume our work

The article says we have to bid farewell to the holiday and resume our workbid在这里是什么意思呢?
bid farewell是一个词组,表示:告别,辞行.

bid farewell

bid farewell to 向某人告别,与某人说再见

bid farewell在一起是个短语,意思是“告别”。
在这句话里bid farewell to the holiday 意思是停止休假。

The article says we have to bid farewell to the holiday and resume our workbid在这里是什么意思呢? We find the article on wildlife interesting 对interesting提问 初中英语smokeLook the article says smoking is bad for our lungs.这里为什么不是 smok 而是 smoking Look at this headline and finish the article about the strange events in Bell TowerNO more mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood We now know what was happening in Bell Tower neighborhood.The director of the local zoo says that three monkeys escaped from Look at this headline and finish the article about the strange events in Bell TowerNO more mystery in Bell Tower neighborhood We now know what was happening in Bell Tower neighborhood.The director of the local zoo says that three monkeys escaped from 翻译A few days ago,I have read an article that says however human kind tries to alter the future by applying relativity theory; the universe tends to spend the least amount of energy possible.As a result,whatever we try to change will have the exac He says we were to meet him at the station. says the 帮我检查一下语法错误吧 There are several human rights are at issue in the situation,article 3 says that people have the right to live,and to live in freedom and safety.Article 5 says that nobody has the right to torture you.And article 7 s He says we can feed the pig on anything here.He says we can ____ _____ _____ ______the pig. read the article in the disposal article industry What was the article? We find the article on wildlife (interesting)对划线部分提问 the book says we should stop being angry and forgive.请问为什么用says ,而不用writes? We then listened to the child read the article _____(write) on the blackboard.请问填什么呢?为什么? says,the,are,best,the teacher,we,that(连词成句) The article was very meaty