
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 23:44:48

关键词:入世十年 全球化 经济 变化

The Influence Brought About By China's 10-Year Entry into WTO
Abstract:It has been ten years since China entered into WTO in 2001.What are our gains and losses?When China entered into WTO ten years ago,some people were cheered on the opening of the world stage.The others worried about the future of Chinese economy and the impacts encountered by some labor intensive enterprises.While the Chinese economy went through the ten years and grew its own characteristics.What changes has China undergone during this ten years?
Keywords:China's 10-year entry into WTO Globalization Economy Changes

Abstract: since the 2001's entry into the wto has so far more than ten years, ten years, we got what? And lost? Ten years ago, face to join the world trade organization of the facts. Someone joy, beca...


Abstract: since the 2001's entry into the wto has so far more than ten years, ten years, we got what? And lost? Ten years ago, face to join the world trade organization of the facts. Someone joy, because see a huge and wider stage reveal to us; And some are worried because don't know open doors after China's economy will be where to go to, those labor-intensive enterprise and will have the impact of the how. Ten years later today, this to all has come, and the economic globalization, China not only didn't break down, but increasingly show a "unique" temperament. Ten years, China's economy experienced what change?
Key words: ten years wto global economy changes


The influence broght by the entering of WTO
abstract; it had been more than 10 years since we entered WTO in 2001,and what we got ,what we lost in those 10 years? 10 years before, facing the fact ...


The influence broght by the entering of WTO
abstract; it had been more than 10 years since we entered WTO in 2001,and what we got ,what we lost in those 10 years? 10 years before, facing the fact that we had entered it, someone got ecstacy because of the huge stage in front of us, while someone got worried because they do not know where Chinese economy will go , what impact the Labor-intensive enterprises will get after opening our door. However, today , what should come all come, Chinese economy not collapsed but becoming "particular“ in the circumstance of globalization. China has experienced what kind of change in those 10 years?
key words: entering WTO for 10 years , globalization, economy, change.



英语翻译入世十年给中国来带的影响摘要:自2001年入世至今已逾十载,十载中我们得到了什么?又失去了什么呢?十年前,面对加入世界贸易组织的事实.有人欢呼雀跃,因为看到了一个巨大而广阔 求:入世给中国贸易带来的影响! 中国入世十年给我们生活带来的变化有哪些 中国入世多久了?入世后带来的影响? 中国入世十年以来的辉煌成就说明了什么 求:形势与政策论文入世十年对中国影响 急需啊形势与政策论文入世十年对中国影响安师 中国入世十年什么发展突出 中国入世十年老百姓得到了什么 入世十年、面对当今复杂的政治形势、中国应怎样做 WTO 十年对中国的影响! 英语翻译摘要 中国—东盟自贸区今年正式成立,它是中国参与的自由化程度最深的自贸区.自成立到现在,中国从中获得巨大的经济利益,还会产生扩展效应.自贸区给中国带来的积极效益以及如 中国入世十周年了,入世对中国科学仪器市场有什么影响呢?在中国举办的科学仪器展会上会不会出现国外展品 英语翻译【摘要】经历了13个春秋的“入世”谈判,如今加入WTO已指日可待.入世将促使中国融人经济全球化的洪流,为中国经济的发展提供了更为广阔的空间和机遇.与此同时,我国企业也将面临 求“中国入世以来,WTO规则的影响”行业规则具体地…… 出世与入世哲学对中国哲学的影响?最好各举一个列子! 中国入世十周年,经济全球化给中国带来的机遇与挑战? 如何看待中国入世给中国带来的机遇和挑战 如何看待中国入世给中国带来的机遇和挑战