
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:30:44



所以角DAE=40 度,则角ADE=角AED=70度

请问这道题应该是选a还是应该选d. 应该选C 还是D 这题应该选d还是a,说明理由. 第一题 应该选什么?A还是D do you know anything about the accident__ in the street yesterday?A,happened B,happening C,which happened D,which was happened请问如果是分词作定语应该怎么选?C.D都打错了,应该是what. 求选B还是C?I haven't heard from him______,so I miss him very much.A.clearly B.recent C.recently D.really 我估计应该是C吧,应该用副词, 请问Is she enjoying photos?A.taking B.to take C.takes D.took 应该选B还是C呢 为什么呢? You______ be tired--you've only been working for an hour.A.mustn`t B.may not C.can`t D.will not请问这道题应该选A还是C? 应该是选A还是B还是C呀! ( )It's very cold,_______your coat.A put on B take off C put off D take on应该选哪一个呢?我知道这应该是穿上的意思.那究竟应该选A还是D呢?take on 和 put on 表示穿着时到底有什么区别呀? 11应该选b 还是d , 请问这个分词如何判断是ing还是ed?There was a terrible noise _____ the sudden burst of light.A.followed B.following C.to be followed D.being followed 请问这题应该如何判断?应该是 看noise和 follow 是主动还是被动关系 Lucy has a great sense of homour and always keeps her colleagues( ) with her stories.A amused B amusing C to amuse D to be amused 请问不是应该选B吗?意思不应该是 让某人一直笑吗?请问选A是为什么,又怎么翻译呢? Does Tom ____________(has/have) a volleyball?请问这应该选哪个,是has还是have? 请问这道题目应该选A还是D?15.---I came here by taxi and the driver charged me 50 Yuan.---Really?You ___have come by bus.A.could B.must C.may D.should 请问这题选A还是D? 选A还是D 选A还是D