
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:02:12


HAPPY是快乐.开心.高兴的意思(我查了一下金山词霸并把意思和应用都复制了过来,希望对你有用.比较遗憾的是音标复制不上来,显示的是乱码) happy [5hApi] adj.快乐的,幸福的,陶醉于...的,恰当的 happy hap.py AHD:[h?p“?] D.J.[6h#pi8] K.K.[6h#pi] adj.(形容词) hap.pi.er,hap.pi.est Characterized by good luck; fortunate.幸运的;幸福的 Enjoying,showing,or marked by pleasure,satisfaction,or joy.愉快的,快乐的:享受、显示或表现出快乐、满足或欢乐的 Being especially well-adapted; felicitous:恰当的:非常恰当的;巧妙的:a happy turn of phrase.巧妙的措词变化 Cheerful; willing:喜欢的;乐于的:happy to help.乐于助人 Characterized by a spontaneous or obsessive inclination to use something.Often used in combination:热衷于…的:对于使用某物有着发自内心的着迷或爱好的.经常用在复合词中:trigger-happy.好战的 Enthusiastic about or involved with to a disproportionate degree.Often used in combination:胡乱使用…的,热衷于…的:热衷于或沉溺于某事并达到一种不相称的程度的.经常用在复合词中:money-happy; clothes-happy.财迷的;喜欢衣服的 Middle English 中古英语 from hap [luck] * see hap 源自hap [幸运的] *参见 hap hap“pily adv.(副词) hap“piness n.(名词) happy,fortunate,lucky,providential The central meaning shared by these adjectives is “attended by luck or good fortune”:这些形容词所共有的中心意思是“伴随着幸运或好运气”:a happy outcome; 可喜的成果; a fortunate omen; 吉兆; a lucky guess; 侥幸猜中; a providential recovery.See also Synonyms at fit 1glad 1unhappy 幸运的康复 参见同义词 fit1glad1unhappy happy 词根hap 运气+ -y形容词后缀,多…的;多好运的,当然是幸福的,欢乐的 happy blissfulbrightcheerfulcontentedgladjoyfulradiantunhappy