
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 12:47:17

"Topics in focus" program of CCTV in China as one of the highest ratings of the column,is China's TV news commentary of the symbol of columns,the birth and the spread of broadcast of news comment produce a comprehensive and profound impact on the column of silent picture and audio commentary organically,so as to produce on the target audience is the influence of the energy research has practical significance.First of all to the focused interview "column and its main target audience do concept definition,then the column of silent picture,audio commentary use its social influence analysis.Finally in the "topics in focus" program broadcast,the target audience to receive "positive energy" and the social reality more rational treatment effect.

As a program with one of the highest audience ratings on CCTV,the "Focus Interview" is a hallmark program of China's TV news commentary.The founding and broadcasting of it has made a comprehensive and profound impact on the spread of news commentaries.It is of realistic & practical significance to study the perfect combination of silent pictures and audio comments,which influenced the target audiences with positive energies.Firstly it made a conceptual definition on the "Focus Interview" program and its target audiences.Secondly,it analyzed the use of silent pictures and audio commentaries as well as its social influences.Finally it summarized the impact that the program has on a more rational view of the target audiences on the realistic society due to the "positive energies" they received from the "Focus Interview" program.

英语翻译《焦点访谈》栏目作为CCTV在中国收视率最高的栏目之一,是中国电视新闻评论的标志性栏目,其诞生与播出对新闻评论的传播产生了全面而深刻的影响,对其栏目中无声画面和有声解说 CCTV英语翻译 在CCTV“开心辞典”栏目中主持人问这样一道题目:“a是最小的正整数,b是最大的负整数,c是绝对值最小的有理数,请问:a,b,c三数之积是多少? 1、在对外开放中,我们不仅要“引进来”,也要“走出去”,这是因为A 当代中国的前途已与世界的命运密不可分B 要全面提高对外开放水平2、焦点访谈是央视收视率较高的栏目 经这一栏目的曝 英语翻译我好像在该栏目上发现过这个问题 电子表格中,怎样把文字在栏目中竖着排列? 英语翻译应该是“除夕夜在CCTV上看春节联欢晚会” 英语翻译是中央电视台体育频道的一个以报道国际足坛最新赛事和新闻为主的栏目,播时间为每周一晚CCTV-5 19:30—21:25,每期115分钟,天下足球之所以选择在周一晚上播出是因为国际上的足球 在网络聊天中,cctv代表什么含义啊 CCTV的“挑战主持人”栏目用英文怎么翻译?“挑战主持人”怎么翻译?http://www.cctv.com/program/tzzcr/02/ 搜集下列栏目的广告词:(1)焦点访谈(2)大家(3)绿色空间(4)知识博览(5)对话.要最全的! 英语翻译在daily china 有一栏目是 metro beijing,这该怎么翻译啊?北京地铁? 英语翻译我这个是用在网站上的,栏目名子 在“诚信问题面面观”栏目中列举同学们中普遍存在的不诚信问题 cctv CET-6-512 这是在应聘的“英语水平”栏目中写的.【CET-6-512】 CCTV天气预报中∞是什么意思 英语翻译 他们下个月将在中央电视台演出 they are __ __CCTV next month