illegal use of this type as an expressioninit_LinkList(&head);head=LinkList *CreateList(ElemType *a,int n);说这个不合法,为什么呢?see declaration of 'LinkList'typedef struct linkList{ElemType data;struct linkList *next;}LinkList;

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 07:21:34

illegal use of this type as an expressioninit_LinkList(&head);head=LinkList *CreateList(ElemType *a,int n);说这个不合法,为什么呢?see declaration of 'LinkList'typedef struct linkList{ElemType data;struct linkList *next;}LinkList;
illegal use of this type as an expression
head=LinkList *CreateList(ElemType *a,int n);说这个不合法,为什么呢?
see declaration of 'LinkList'
typedef struct linkList
ElemType data;
struct linkList *next;

illegal use of this type as an expressioninit_LinkList(&head);head=LinkList *CreateList(ElemType *a,int n);说这个不合法,为什么呢?see declaration of 'LinkList'typedef struct linkList{ElemType data;struct linkList *next;}LinkList;
head = CreateList(ElemType *a,int n);
不要加 LinkList*,那是定义和声明的时候才加的.

illegal use of this type as an expression错误。哪位大侠能帮帮忙。小弟非常感激。 lude "stdlib.h" /*加入这个头文件原因 函数名称: malloc