
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 02:13:45


August 6
Three days ago,I've survived after a storm.I'm back from the dead after a sailing trip,I even know the fragility of human life and learn the importance of teamwork,it is likely to be a critical moment in the life-saving help of each other.
The weather was overcast,but I'm new to the subject of my article,or as a team on a boat,going to experience the life twelve days at sea.On board besides me,there are other travelers from all over the world,they face expressionless,as if the general himself can not see other people do their own thing.At first,I keep records in addition to inspiration,I also tried them each time after a friendly greeting with them.But do not know why they looked straight ahead,expressionless face as seen through me.In addition to a man,sam,he is a young guy,he was very cheerful,very smart,we often chat from a chat that he was a sailor,and his father was captain of a ship,but unfortunately the lost in a shipwreck,this he is to report good news to his father's.
Late one night,the sea is calm,quiet too terrible,like the calm before the storm.I looked at the sky praying the weather not bad,but over a dozen minutes later,the wind started blowing,the waves one after another,one greater than the boat in the surf sway,when suddenly up inclement weather,the people on board was the surprise,and some people pray to their Lord to save them,some people shouted:We die,and some people rushing to buoy.Suddenly my hand was caught,is sam!I saw him carrying a backpack,backpack and water bottles around all covered with wood,hand is holding a life preserver.It turned out he found the calm tonight after preparing the backpacks and life preserver in case contingencies.He told me one:See you later.I was a flutter after the big wave came Jinong dizzy.
Wake up again,I found,was in a beach,and sam sitting not far from several other people around the campfire.They are also survivors of the original.Through the exchange of know each other really.We thought the rescue team soon to come,but wait until the next night we ate after sam bag of dry food,or did not come.The island's night was cold,cold and hungry we can only rely on fire for heating to sleep.On the third day,sam suggested that we share the work in order that we can live,we all work together.We all agreed.So some people pick wild fruit,some people pick up litter,and some people find water,some people get shelter from the rain,and then when we are hungry,there are wild fruits,cold when there is fire,rain when there is shelter from the rain,when the fear of their lives to share the fun.
We live like this until the 6th day at noon,we heard the distant sound of the helicopter,and we are excited,we all held up in the air waving things around.
Although those days was hard,but very memorable.Teamwork is very important.After all alone in the world to line difficult.


这么长- -、你找你英语老师来给你说撒 我们哪能打那么多英文字母啊

英语翻译8月6日三天前,我经历一场暴风雨后幸存了下来.死而复生的我经过一次的航海之旅后,我更加知道了人类生命的脆弱和学会团队合作的重要性,因为它很有可能是会在关键时刻互相帮助 这篇读后感 《假如给我三天光明》《假如给我三天光明》读后感《假如给我三天光明》是海伦·凯勒写的.她出生于1880年6月27日.在她出生后19个月时,突然患上了一场大病,在治疗后,小海伦双 某电视台决定从7月1日至8月31日,播出足球和篮球比赛.某电视台决定从7月1日至8月31日,每两天播出一场足球比赛,每三天播出一场篮球比赛.1、该电视台播出足球比赛的天数有( )天;2、该电 翻译成英文:我在3月20日8:20时去看了一场电影. 天秒杀电子券 (1张,价值30元,即团购验证码)可享受:开业前三天,12月10日---12月12日,全场5折.开业第四,五天,12月13日---12月14日,全场6折.开业第六,七天,12月15日---12月16日,全场7折.7天秒杀电子 8月19日 2月28日 12月1日 5月23日 6月16日英语翻译 一场暴风雨(中译英) 英语翻译1月8日 2月9日 3月15日 4月26日 5月7日 6月1日 7月9日 8月30日 9月20日10月1日 11月12日 12月25日9 18 25 36 47 53 62 78 95 我几个月前经历了一场小地震,为什么最近我总是感觉有地震发生,总是出现幻觉有时睡觉时都因为心脏跳动把自己震醒,这是为什么?是我有特异功能吗? 英语翻译2月26日9:00前回答 三天前下了一场大雨 英语如题 英语翻译:由于半个月前发生了一场车祸,所以现在车队都要收超重费 为什么《海底奇光》的开头和结尾都写道了暴风雨?但仅限10月28日晚20:00前回答完,过期不候 英语翻译今天是5月8日,星期二,今天阳光灿烂.五一大假的第一天,我和家人去古镇游玩,十分开心,第二天,我在家做作业,第三天,和朋友一起去逛春熙路,晚上独自去图书馆看书,、.但这三天我的 英语翻译:7月26日至8月15日 火庵的前三天是什么意思呢,假如我是定10月30日搬家,是不是27、28、29三天白天晚上都要开灯? 英语翻译谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文,四川,自古就有“天府之国”的美誉,这里的人民勤劳智慧,建设了美好家园,也经历许多磨难.一个多月前的4月20日,四川芦山发生7.0级强烈地震,造成重大 我不再骄傲了 作文500字快急用6月6日19点前