take up和 go in for都有“从事”的意思,区别是什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 19:51:16

take up和 go in for都有“从事”的意思,区别是什么?
take up和 go in for都有“从事”的意思,区别是什么?

take up和 go in for都有“从事”的意思,区别是什么?
take up
She took up the receiver and began to dial the number.她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码.
She used a blotting paper to take up the ink.她用吸墨纸吸墨.
All available accommodation were taken up.房间都住满了.
I'm sorry I've already taken up so much of your valuable time.对不起,我占了你这么多宝贵时间.
He married a French woman and took up his residence in Paris.他和一个法国女人结了婚,并在巴黎定居.
The school bus stopped to take up pupils.校车停下来让小学生们上车.
He took up writing after graduation.毕业后他开始从事写作.
She took up my suggestion enthusiastically.她热情地采纳了我的建议.
No one dared take up the challenge.谁也不敢应战.
The animal took up the disease.那个动物染上了病.
She took the pupil up sharply when he had a slip of the tongue.当学生出现口误时,她立刻打断他.
to take up one's social welfare要求社会福利
go in for
go in for sth / doing sth从事
go in for sth.in a large scale大兴
go in for formalism搞形式主义
to go in for参加
go in for gardening搞园艺
Go in for sports爱好体育
go in for从事
go in for酷爱´追求
go in for sth参加
to go in for sports爱好体育
They go in for sth in a large scale now everyday promote two inferior goods.
Do not know Beijing to go in for sth in a large scale prefectural person looks this caricature,anyway you draw you,I do me.
On problem of processing party conduct,want firm to catch cadre style construction,go in for sth in a large scale the wind;
Especially winter,basically be heat preservation drive cold,no matter be in design,go up with makings,charge for the making of sth.
Install one of characteristic stock raising of mountain area to go in for sth in a large scale to make raise Hu Yecheng,and can healthy,steadily develop.
为使养狐业成为大兴安岭地区的特色畜牧业之一 ,并能健康、稳步的发展.

take up 1. 拿起,捡起,举起,拔起;拿走: She took up the receiver and began to dial the number.她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码。 2. 吸收(水分);溶解(固体): She used a blotting paper to take up the ink.她用吸墨纸吸墨。 3. 占用,占(地方): All available accomm...


take up 1. 拿起,捡起,举起,拔起;拿走: She took up the receiver and began to dial the number.她拿起听筒开始拨电话号码。 2. 吸收(水分);溶解(固体): She used a blotting paper to take up the ink.她用吸墨纸吸墨。 3. 占用,占(地方): All available accommodation were taken up.房间都住满了。 4. 占去(地方、时间、注意力等);费(时间);占据(注意力): I'm sorry I've already taken up so much of your valuable time.对不起,我占了你这么多宝贵时间。 5. 安(家),定(居);在…安置下来: He married a French woman and took up his residence in Paris.他和一个法国女人结了婚,并在巴黎定居。 6. 让(乘客等)上车;(车等)接纳(乘客);(船)承载(货物): The school bus stopped to take up pupils.校车停下来让小学生们上车。 7. 开始从事(一项事业、一种职业等),学习(某种知识、技能等);着手处理(某事);关注;对…发生兴趣;论及: He took up writing after graduation.毕业后他开始从事写作。 8. 采纳(信仰、意见等),接受;采取(某种态度);承担: She took up my suggestion enthusiastically.她热情地采纳了我的建议。 9. 接受(打赌、挑战、建议等),接受…的打赌(或挑战、建议等): No one dared take up the challenge.谁也不敢应战。 10. 得到,获得: The animal took up the disease.那个动物染上了病。 11. (为表示异议等)打断…的话;打断并校正;指责,申斥: She took the pupil up sharply when he had a slip of the tongue.当学生出现口误时,她立刻打断他。 12. 申请;对…提出要求: to take up one's social welfare要求社会福利 go in for 参加,从事;追求;赞成 go in for sth / doing sth从事 go in for sth. in a large scale大兴 go in for formalism搞形式主义 to go in for参加 go in for gardening搞园艺 Go in for sports爱好体育 go in for从事 go in for酷爱´追求 go in for sth参加 to go in for sports爱好体育 They go in for sth in a large scale now everyday promote two inferior goods. 他们现在每天去大兴提两次货。 Do not know Beijing to go in for sth in a large scale prefectural person looks this caricature, anyway you draw you, I do me. 不知北京大兴县人看没看这幅漫画,反正是你画你的,我办我的。 On problem of processing party conduct, want firm to catch cadre style construction, go in for sth in a large scale the wind; 在治理党风问题上,要狠抓干部作风建设,大兴调查研究之风; Especially winter, basically be heat preservation drive cold, no matter be in design, go up with makings, charge for the making of sth. 尤其是冬季,主要是保暖御寒,无论在款式、用料、做工上,都反映出浓郁的地域民俗风情和人文观念。 Install one of characteristic stock raising of mountain area to go in for sth in a large scale to make raise Hu Yecheng, and can healthy, steadily develop. 为使养狐业成为大兴安岭地区的特色畜牧业之一 ,并能健康、稳步的发展。


take up和 go in for都有“从事”的意思,区别是什么? go in for在表示“参加”时,与join in和take part in有什么区别? 关于英语短语和同义词区别.slow down、 speed up、 pass by 、go away 意思及区别hand out 、 take out、 hunt for 、 pick up意思及区别enter、take part in 、join、attend区别 take part in ,join ,attend ,sign up for ,enter for 有什么不同之处 几个英语词组用法的问题有没有be base on sth这个词组?on the earth和on earth有何区别In which和with which这2个连接词是什么意思,怎么用?在什么情况下用?take up 与go in for 与devote的区别?如何用?break(dow 英语:“动词+介词”的词组都有哪些?例如:go on ,come on,put on,turn on,get on,com in,take in,put off,take off,get off,turn up,get up,put up……还有那些?越全越好,意思是什么? 请教一些英语词组~欢迎有耐心的高手...get over,get in,get along,get though,call for,send for,bring up,hold up,send up,set up,make up of,make out of,make in,keep up,pick up,take on,go on,come along,go by,fall behind,lay out,lay off,lay a A:I left my raincoat in my room.Wait while i go back for it.B:------,the weather report said it would clean up before noon.Don't worry和Take it easy应该填那个短语 为什么 enter ,take part in,join into,go in for ,be in有什么区别要具体的说明, 词组英译中break down bring aboutcall for call off come across come up with get over go in forhold up lay offlook into look up pass away put off put up with set asidestand for stay up take intake on take over talk…intoturn down turn up turn out account for 和make up百分数的用法take up有没有占多少百分比的意思? go for可翻译为适合?和go in for有什么区别? go in for和enter有什么区别 Would you please this form for me to see if I've filled it in right?A.take off B.look after C.give up D.go over look up、turn in、search for、go through用法区别 Take a walk和Go for a walk都是散步的意思,有什么区别? take a walk和go for a walk有什么不同?欢迎英语专家回答! make up和make up for都有弥补的意思,区别是什么?如题