
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:00:08


1.The auxililary bathroom's toilet is out of water.
2.The third floor men's changing room's toilet is clogged.
4.A light bulb went out outside the door of room 101.
5.The kitchen and master bedroom each has a light bulb out.
6.Two light bulbs in the living room went out.

Health toilet tank water.
The men's locker room on the 3 floor of the toilet is clogged
Room 101, gate 1 lamp is broken
The kitchen and master bedroom the 1 lamp does not light
The living room there are 2 light does not shine.

1Guardian toilet water tank
2Male locker room of the third floor toilet block
3.101 Room entrance a light is not working
4Kitchen and master bedroom, a light does not shine
5Living room with two light does not shine

1. The water tank (of the toilet) in the secondary bathroom is out of water.
2. The toilet of men's changing room on the 3rd floor is clogged.
3. One light bulb in front of Room 101 burnt out....


1. The water tank (of the toilet) in the secondary bathroom is out of water.
2. The toilet of men's changing room on the 3rd floor is clogged.
3. One light bulb in front of Room 101 burnt out.
4. One light bulb burnt out in each of the kitchen and the major bedroom.
5. There are two lights breaking down in the living room.


英语翻译中译英:1.煤气点不着2.次卫马桶水箱无水3.马桶堵塞 英语翻译中译英:1.次卫马桶水箱无水了2.3楼男更衣室的马桶堵塞了3.101室大门口1只灯坏了4.厨房和主卧各1只灯不亮了5.客厅有2个灯不亮了 英语翻译中译英:1.大门刷卡后没反应,门锁没电了2.厨房水斗堵塞了3.主卫的马桶堵塞了,并且马桶水箱也无水,不能抽马桶了4.客厅1只灯不亮了5.303室大门口坏了1只射灯 英语翻译中译英:1.煤气打不开了2.马桶水箱漏水了3.浴缸上有点灰 英语翻译中译英:1.主卫的排风扇不转了2.101室(这房子里面是上下2层的复式房)楼上的淋浴房下水道堵塞了3.主卫马桶水箱内的链条松了4.次卫的水龙头滴水了5.1楼大堂有个蜡烛灯不亮了 英语翻译中译英:1.主卫淋浴房下水处堵塞了2.主卫马桶水箱无水抽了3.日光灯不亮了4.主卫射灯不亮了5.西面楼梯27楼到28楼中间那段,墙面上有瓷砖脱落了 请求把马桶,货梯厅,吸尘器,顶灯等中文翻译英语,谢谢! 一,主卫马桶的水箱往外漏水了;次卫的马桶故障了,无水抽二,七楼货梯厅的日光灯坏了三,吸尘器的插头坏了,三脚插头中的一个脚断了 英语翻译一,客厅的墙纸脱落了二,马桶每隔一分钟,自动发出噪音三,次卫淋浴莲蓬头和浴缸水龙头切换出故障了,不管打开哪一个,都同时流出水来四,次卫的马桶水箱往马桶里漏水了五,净水器 英语翻译中译英:1.主卫马桶堵塞了2.空调散发出油漆味3.搁放淋浴莲蓬头的地方脱胶了4.次卫马桶堵塞了5.客厅鞋柜的门关不上了 英语翻译中译英;1.客厅的蜡烛灯坏了2.主卫的射灯坏了3.主卫马桶里面水箱漏水了4.客厅的吊灯、射灯和蜡烛灯不亮了5.洗衣机的开关坏了 英语翻译中译英:卫生间台盆堵塞了.马桶水箱里零件脱落了.冰箱的冷藏室和冷冻室. 英语翻译中译英:1.次卫浴缸下水处堵塞了2.客厅里的桌子1个腿断了3.次卫马桶冲水键坏了4.大门门锁没电了5.要调电视机频道了 英语翻译中译英:1.次卫的灯坏了,灯不亮了2.煤气点不着,煤气灶坏了3.1F大堂信箱处的灯坏了4.主卫马桶坏了,马桶堵塞了5.主卫的排风扇坏了,排风扇不运转了 英语翻译中译英:1.客厅2只蜡烛灯,1只射灯和1只吊灯灯泡不亮了,次卫1只灯不亮了,厨房1只筒灯不亮了,次卧1只台灯不亮了,主卧的床上方有个灯不亮了2.一楼卫生间的电马桶的水管漏水了3.主 英语翻译中译英:1.客厅有1个射灯、1个蜡烛灯、1个吊灯灯泡不亮了2.主卫的电马桶往外漏水3.次卫的马桶无法冲水4.二十四楼客梯厅的吸顶灯不亮了5.卧室空调不制热了,要测室温和出风口温 英语翻译1七楼客梯厅的1个灯坏了2主卫电马桶的电源插座脱落了3微波炉发生故障了,让客房部换一台4次卫只要排电马桶线;因为是客人自己的电马桶,所以不负责安装.5三一九一房间里有灯坏 英语翻译请把以下中文翻译成英语:1.客厅有3个灯不亮了2.厨房有1个灯坏了3.脱排油烟机的灯不亮了4.主卫马桶水箱链条脱落了5.客厅有2个灯和次卫有1个灯都不亮了 英语翻译中译英;1.主卫的排风扇坏了2.厨房水斗的下水道管子脱落了3.马桶漏水