你为什么给他牛奶 _ dou you give him some milk _?减肥的最佳方法是通过锻炼保持身体健康The best way __ weight is __to keep.I'm found of _(下载) some useful information from the Internet.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:34:24

你为什么给他牛奶 _ dou you give him some milk _?减肥的最佳方法是通过锻炼保持身体健康The best way __ weight is __to keep.I'm found of _(下载) some useful information from the Internet.
你为什么给他牛奶 _ dou you give him some milk _?
The best way __ weight is __to keep.
I'm found of _(下载) some useful information from the Internet.

你为什么给他牛奶 _ dou you give him some milk _?减肥的最佳方法是通过锻炼保持身体健康The best way __ weight is __to keep.I'm found of _(下载) some useful information from the Internet.
(What) do you give him some milk (for)?
The best way (to lose) weight is (to take exercise)to keep (healthy).
I'm found of (downloading,下载) some useful information from the Internet.

你为什么给他牛奶 _ dou you give him some milk _?减肥的最佳方法是通过锻炼保持身体健康The best way __ weight is __to keep.I'm found of _(下载) some useful information from the Internet. 英文 你为什么给他牛奶?()do you give him some milk()? how dou you think &what dou you think区别例如._ others thought about him为什么说what? Wate-dou-you-dou?. 请尽快给我回信Please write back to me _________/______________尽快地跑,那么你就能赶上他Run _ _ _ _,_ you'll _ _ _ him. Dou you “ ”什么your sister?为什么 急 完成句子 1 她的篮子里装满了鸡蛋 Her basket was _ _ eggs 2 妈妈给婴儿喂了两勺奶 Mother fed the baby _ _ _ milk 3 他已经筋疲力尽了 He has _ _ all his energy 4 要不你就会迟到 Hurry up!_ _ you _ _ hao dou you do?‘‘‘‘ hao dou you hao dou you get dou you love 你已安排谁去机场接他呢?Who _ you _ _ _ meet him at the airport?=Who _ _ _ _ _ meet him at the air by you? 翻译:你理应向他道歉——You _ _ _to day sorryto him 你应该向他道歉 you should _ _ _him(三格) 他好像无法理解你 he seems _ _ understand you 汉译英 我们可以搭车去乡下吗?could we _ _ _ _ the countryside?我的父母都从事教育工作 my parents both _ _ _我想做他想做的事 he is gong to do _ he _ _ _你最好别让他们等太长时间 you _ _ _ _ them _ for too long 你愿意和我一块儿给小猫洗澡吗 would you like _ _ _ _the cat with me? LIKE YOU DOU YOU KNOW