
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 10:25:15


Wind History
The history of wind,blowing 68 years ago reveal that one.In my eyes,distinctly emerged out of that snow-covered in 1935,that sad years of the cold wind days.The Japanese imperialists wantonly open its claws,stretch my Chinese heart:North earth; By this time,the Kuomintang government dastardly ridiculous,but even had the fear of the abusive practices of imperialism,the establishment of puppet governments,to meet the short-perfunctory .*
I am a traitor despicable and shameful!
In this moment,we are always silent prayer:our nation can be out of the mud and the plight of the black clouds to disperse and opened this long.And let us all Chinese people are most proud thing is:We have never disappointed once.In Beishou humiliating the nation behind,and the total outstanding sons and daughters that we rose as China.December 9,1935,under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,Peking,6000 angry people took to the streets,held up the banner of justice,bravely declared war on the tyranny of despicable,cowardly traitor to the declaration of war.
I'm proud of you; if our nation,without you,how terrible it would be the abyss of life,ah!You to the action through sheer tell motives of the terrible people:Chinese people can not be humiliated,and the Chinese people can not be shame.Country of the Chinese people will be the sound of fighting for the country,and even died for our country!
Although we,as an old Chinese ship stranded,despite the heavy,albeit slowly,but still has strong sail to move forward.
My fellow citizens,when you Zhuzu in the majestic Great Wall meandering on,when you stop at the Yellow River eastward to the edge,when you watch the five-star red flag since Ran a time when your heart is feeling it hard,if passion surging?
Let us fight the Chinese for the revitalization of our bar!Want to know is our duty to revitalizing the Chinese nation is our mission!
60 years,can be described as one stroke!60 years of reform and opening to benefit the lives of people of each one.
In December 1978,the party's victory in the Third Plenum was held open the new historical period of reform and opening up.
The national economy in three decades,rapid development of our living and working conditions are also the three decades is undergoing tremendous change,basic necessities and living environment,working conditions,which are the same as earth-shaking.
Thirty years ago,many families have only one house,the layout is to use a bed or a large closet in the middle,up the curtain the house was divided into two,front living room and dining room.Mom said that they play better when the conditions can be prepared on the 12 small Mazari or small wooden bench.Most people will now live on the Sanshiyiting,have their own independent kingdom,excitement,self-evident.
Eighties that the hand-cranked telephone,each time when you need to contact your headache.Pioneer nineties,waist across the BB machine,often issuing calls,but also deliberately pretending to hear,let it ring for several more .,multi-holder's share of pride,to the 20 a century today,every person has the hands of more than one cell phone.
Sixty of these changes between the lot so that I lament that,while he had only tens of thousands of people experiencing life in a small microcosm.Through our efforts and struggle of the motherland will become increasingly strong,the people's lives will be getting better and better
Five years ago,"Shenzhou" flying round the Chinese dream; three years ago,the "Shenzhou VI" Survey Yaokan 1000 River; today,"God seven" space taking of new steps.Be described as a miracle step,step a leap forward!
In May 2008,up to 8.0 magnitude Wenchuan earthquake,affecting the hearts all over the world,earthquake toppled a block of flats,the shattering of the dolphin deaths in the family's heart,but Chen did not break down numerous sons and daughters difficulties in enthusiasm.I believe that the greatest difficulty divided by 1.3 billion,will become a small annoyance,and then multiplied by 1.3 billion to help small,will become a significant support.Chinese people will be arm in arm,heart to heart,to overcome all the difficulties!
I firmly believe that China will usher in a better future.60 years of wind with the wind and rain rain,60 years of tremendous changes,no one will never forget 60 years ago,one by one have witnessed history.We firmly believe that the motherland a better tomorrow

各位晚上好,首先,我很高兴今天可以站在这里与大家一同分享我对于“爱国”的 一些想法。今天在这里,我只想提一个问题,到底什么 是爱国?面对这样一个问题,范仲淹说:居庙堂之高而忧其民,处江湖之远而忧其居。林则徐说:苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。这就是爱国,这就是中华儿女 的爱国心语,这就是我今天要演讲的题目——与国共进。


各位晚上好,首先,我很高兴今天可以站在这里与大家一同分享我对于“爱国”的 一些想法。今天在这里,我只想提一个问题,到底什么 是爱国?面对这样一个问题,范仲淹说:居庙堂之高而忧其民,处江湖之远而忧其居。林则徐说:苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。这就是爱国,这就是中华儿女 的爱国心语,这就是我今天要演讲的题目——与国共进。
或是将士侠客,长剑当空挥,斩去敌首无数;或是儒文雅士,执笔临风书,唤起民众千万。 [河北教师网站-冀教网 ]
今天,我可以说在座的每一位都有爱国的意识,请大家注意我说的是“可以说”,不是我“肯定”。为什么这么说?我想问大家一个最老套的问题:你为什么读书,为谁读书? 冀教网,好冀教网
通 常我们接触到的回答是为找个饭碗而读书!这也是家长从小对我们的灌输,他们告诉你:你要好好念书!只有这样,才可以有个好饭碗,才有好前途。这是多么的渺 小和无聊!你绝对不应该单是为找个饭碗而活着!台湾忠信高级工商学校的校长高震东曾经说过,要找个饭碗吃饭太简单了!拿个刀子,找个人随便捅一下,绝对一 辈子有了饭吃,而且还有人伺侯,还有人为你做饭,睡觉时还有人为你站岗,你的东西一样少不了!那不就解决吃饭了吗?
当 然,也有很多人说我为了兴趣而读书,简直就是胡扯!你现在学的专业是你感兴趣的、热爱的?有几个人能拍着胸脯说:没错!我就是喜欢,就是热爱,就是愿意为 之奉献一生?读书的真正目标不应该是兴趣,而应该是责任,我们读书是为了国家,国家需要人才,国家需要干部,国家需要建国的栋梁。国家为什么培养你?因为 国家在期盼着你的贡献,期盼着你的未来,因为有一天你会长大,有一天你会学成,你要为国家做事,所以国家才在你身上投资,让你为国效命。


Dear Motherland,
I am so proud of being a Chinese. As a daughte(or son) of the greatest country who has the long history of more than five thousand years, I am so lucky.
I learn a lot from you...


Dear Motherland,
I am so proud of being a Chinese. As a daughte(or son) of the greatest country who has the long history of more than five thousand years, I am so lucky.
I learn a lot from your history and culture, which are remarkable in the world. And as a result I am deeply attracted by the interesting and instructive events and historical figures.
Sixty years ago, with the establishment of People's Republic of China, Chinese people started a totally new life.
During the past 60 years, China became richer and stronger. Yes, we used to be treated as a weak nationality but after 60 years it is not the case any longer.
Nowdays, we live a much happier life than before and this should be owed to the distribution of hundreds and thousands of pioneers who devoted themselves to the independence and improvements of China. In the 60th National Day, we must momerize these heros.
For me, the best way to momerize is to study hard and master more knowledge to construct our mother country which is deeply loved by all of us.
The past 60 years belongs to the heros, the constructors of China and of course, several great leaders such as Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, and Dengxiaoping. And we are confident that we can go along their road in the future.
The prosperity of motherland make it possible for all of us to improve the quality of life. Especially, for the young students like me. First, we dont need have to worry about the foods and houses like children several decades ago. We all have a happy childhood and this is help to form our active and optimistic characters. Second, state has established a relatively sound education system and thus we can receive perfect and necessary educaion. It’s of great importance for our future. Third, with the development of national economy, adults can obtain more employment opportunities and then, they may earn enough money to afford family expenditures. And children, together with their parents and grandparents, will have stable families which make all people happy. Fourth, China makes more and more communications with other countries around the world and this makes it is possible for us to know more about the world. Fifth, we also benefit from the public facilities such as transportations, stadiums and hosptials. For example, travelling becomes easier than before and we children can find a lot of place to play on. Furthermore, when we catch a cold or feel sick, we can go to hospital and be treated easily. When we want to enjoy a new film, there are many cinemas available. In a word, all these exciting changes should be owed to you, my mothercountry.
As a student in the new age, I know that we are responsible for the future and development of you, my dear mother country. As for me, it’s nature to do something valuable to return you, my dear motherland. Yes, I know I am to young to make great contributions to you currently. But I have decided to be a useful person to the society in the future. To achieve this goal, I should make preparations.
First, just as mentioned above, it’s obvious to study hard is of the most importance for me. Otherwise, even I really want to do something good when I grow up, I have not sufficient ability. It will be sad for me. To avoid the regret, I have to master knowledges and skills as much as I can.
Second, I will always remember I am a Chinese and I am proud of this as well. If I have any chance, I will tell foreigners China is a great country and always willing to make friends with other countries.
Third, I will care others more as this will help the constuction of a harmonious society. Young as I am, I should do my best to meet the calling on of you.
China is another mother. I respect you and wish a better future.
Yours Sincere Daughter


in the past's 60 age middle of the month, China one was rising step by step, this was the China children expected, was also worth dancing with joy. From the founding of the nation the first day, the m...


in the past's 60 age middle of the month, China one was rising step by step, this was the China children expected, was also worth dancing with joy. From the founding of the nation the first day, the many unfriendly countries internationally is being hostile toward China, does everything possible to hinder China to progress. the US was the biggest threat which China developed, the Korean War which, the Vietnam War the US started causes our country has suffered the heavy loss in the manpower and the financial resource aspect; The US supports Chiang Kai-Shek counter-attacks the mainland motion to cause our country coast not to be peaceful for a long time; Present's US still in did everything possible to suppress China, like did not acknowledge that China market economy status, gesticulates, force Renminbi revaluation in the Taiwan problem and so on, zai weilai di regan nian zhong, the US will still be China's enemies, is the forever trouble maker
We believed that in the Chinese nation great rejuvenation's journey, will certainly to appear for one another magnificent 30 years! Chinese nation's rising, will certainly to let the world be proud for us!
