We all know what the poor man should have said..问 这里的should 是充当整句的什么成分 什么要用have Should 又是充当什么成分 为什么用Should 整句 是什么形式 过去式?加..完成时.有米有过去时的成分.请全

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:29:58

We all know what the poor man should have said..问 这里的should 是充当整句的什么成分 什么要用have Should 又是充当什么成分 为什么用Should 整句 是什么形式 过去式?加..完成时.有米有过去时的成分.请全
We all know what the poor man should have said..
问 这里的should 是充当整句的什么成分 什么要用have Should 又是充当什么成分 为什么用Should 整句 是什么形式 过去式?加..

We all know what the poor man should have said..问 这里的should 是充当整句的什么成分 什么要用have Should 又是充当什么成分 为什么用Should 整句 是什么形式 过去式?加..完成时.有米有过去时的成分.请全
should have done是英语虚拟语气的一种表达,表示“本来应该干.”,而实际上没有做,是对过去动作的虚拟.

As we all know,we are what we eat? 英语翻译歌词如下↓So if we all come together,we know what to do We all come together,just to sing we love you And if we all come together,we know what to doWe all come together just for youRacing all around the seven seasChasing all the girl as we know ;as is know;it is know 区别.______to all is that Taiwan Is the largest island in china.A.As is know.B.As we know C.It is know D.What is known选哪个. 英语翻译:unfortunately we know all too well what to do. 英语翻译The Sailor Song 歌手:Toy-Box 专辑:Fantastic 歌词:So if we all come together,we know what to do We all come together,just to sing we love you And if we all come together,we know what to do We all come together just for you Racing along with the letter was his promise about which we were all eager to know.为什么不是what Please describe the accident( ) ;we are all eager to know what happened exactly in detail in dangerin trouble in charge as we all know . We all know the earth go around the sun.(改错) we all know that the earth t__ around the sun. we all know that the earth moves-----the sun 介词 we all know the 12 animal sign of the chinese we all know the f_ that she is a blind We all know Jilin is in the n___ of China we all know thomas edison made the first light 填空:We all n------- to know the art of apology. we all know the news ( that ) he told her,为什么不能填what,填了what不就是同位语从句了吗 Correct: We all didn't know what is love.Is the sentence right?If not,what's wrong? how to correct?