
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 22:32:15


我能明白您的意思,不取等号你很明白 对吧,就是取了等号很难明白 可是a≤1/2且a+1≥1就是对的吗,明显是不能取到等号的,若取了那就是充分必要条件,数学是很严谨的,有了这一个不符合就不对,跟题目意思不符,就是说你认为对的答案是不正确的,就不应该去等于号,你可以再去问问你们的老师,我认为不能取等号 只要您的学习疑惑解决了就是好的 时隔2日再回答这个问题.可以很正确的回答你的问题了,可以取到的,当a=0 或 当a=1/2时(也就是取等于号时)你带进去看看什么情况,怎么样,是符合的吧,,你的问题解决啦

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What is the best gift for your family when you travel to China

Travel, is a good way to relieves stress and raises energy, was widely admitted by the people today. With the sustainable and f...


What is the best gift for your family when you travel to China

Travel, is a good way to relieves stress and raises energy, was widely admitted by the people today. With the sustainable and fast development of Chinese economy, China has become more attractive to the foreign people. China Tours are more popular than before.
Many of us prefer to buy some gifts to our family so that they can getsome idea of the different culture of the different country. As we all know, China is a historical country, there are many amazing scene of natural, and disparate custom that we have never seen in Western countries. So for example, if we Travel to Beijing, what gift is the best for our Family?
1. Chinese Painting Mask
Beijing Opera is the quintessence of Chinese culture. And people come to Beijing often have a try to the Beijing Opera. Many of them like the Chinese painting mask because its very special if you have never seen it. Every painting mask represents a person in the history. Chinese people always say that you can see the characteristic of the role from painting mask. In my opinion, its full of the rich Chinese culture.a set of painting masks is also have the collection value.
2. Calligraphy or Chinese Painting
In the ancient China, people use brush and China ink to write and paint. The roots of Chinese painting can be traced back to paintings on Neolithic pottery six or seven thousand years ago. Since similar tools and lines were used for the earliest painting and writing, painting is said to have the same origin as calligraphy. Thus, Chinese paintings usually integrate poetry or calligraphy with themes that include figures, landscapes, flowers, birds and other animals. Traditional Chinese painting remains a highly valued genre, often on exhibit in China as well as other countries. One of my friends said that: Its not colorful but you can get the meaning from the painting only with white and black. It has a magical power to take you to another world.
3. Paper-cuts
This is my favorite. Paper-cuts is a kind of Chinese traditional arts.Chinese Paper Cuts also called Scissor-cut, it is a kind of folk artwork with rich local flavor popularizing in numerous people. Chinese-Paper-cuts were come out during the period of North and South Dynasty. Colorful paper cut by scissors is often used as decoration and forms various artistic styles because of different purposes, such as for window decoration, basket decoration, present decoration and designs. I often wondered that how the paper-cuts were made, it looks very difficult to make the paper to that shape.
4. Embroidery
According to my friends opinion, Chinese embroidery took the fancy of the visitors.Embroidery is the art or handicraft of decorating fabric or other materials with needle and thread or yarn.The embroidery is very beautiful, animated. Its a good suggestion to decorate the wall by embroideries. In China, Su Embroidery, Xiang Embroidery, Yue Embroidery, Shu Embroidery is the most famous. Each kind of embroidery has its own style.
So, thats it. Have you know more about the Chinese gift? Certainly there are many other interesting things in China. These four is the gifts that I think lots of people will be interested in. Hoping that can give you some help in your China Tour. And by the way, Have a nice trip in China!

What is the best gift for your family when you travel to Chi

What is the best gift for your family when you tra

What is the best gift for your family when you travel to China



已知命题p:4/(x-1)≤-1,命题q:x^2+x 已知命题p:x2+2x-3>0,命题命题P:x^2+2x-3>0,命题q:1/(3-x)>1,若非q且P为真,求x的取值范围 已知命题p:对任意x∈R,3^x+3^(-x)≥2,命题q:若函数f(x)=ln(a+2/x+1)的图像关于原点对称,则a=3.则下列命题中的真命题是:A.p且q B.非p且q C.p且非q D.非p 命题p:|x-1|≤3,命题q:x≥2,或x≤-4,p是q什么条件 已知命题p:|x-8|≤2,q:(x-1)/√(x+1)>0,r:x^2-3ax+2a^20).若命题r是命题p的必要不充分条件,且r是q的已知命题p:|x-8|≤2,q:(x-1)/√(x+1)>0,r:x^2-3ax+2a^20).若命题r是命题p的必要不充分条件,且r是q的充分不必要 这个命题为什么错?若命题p:∀x∈R,x^2+1≥1,命题q:∃x∈R,x^2-2x-1≤0,则命题p且┐q 是真命题.为什么错 已知命题p:∃x∈R,3sinx+4cosx≤m,命题q:∀x>0,x²+(m+2)x+1≠0若命题p和命题q中有且只有一个真命题,求实数m的取值范围 已知命题p:|1-(x-1)/3| 已知命题p:|1-(x-1)/3| 已知命题P:1/4≤2^x≤1/2,命题q:x+1/x∈[-5/2,-2]则p是q的什么命题 已知命题P:x+y≠3,命题q:x≠1且y≠2,则p是q的什么条件如题 已知m∈R,命题p:对任意x∈[0,8],不等式log1/3(x+1)≥m2-3m恒成立,命题q:对任意x∈R,不等式|1+sin2x-cos2x|≤2m|cos(x-π/4)恒成立 (1)若p且q为假,p或q为真,求m的取值范围 已知命题p:x(x-a-1) 已知命题p:4x-3≤1且x≥1/2;命题q:x²-(2a+1)x+a(a+1)≤0.若p是q的充分不必要条件,求实数a的取值范围.这题前面我都懂.p:1/2≤x≤1.q:a≤x≤a+1.p真包含于q.我有一点不明白那不应该是a<1/2且a+1> 已知命题p:4x-3≤1且x≥1/2;命题q:x²-(2a+1)x+a(a+1)≤0.若p是q的充分不必要条件,求实数a的取值范围.这题前面我都懂.p:1/2≤x≤1.q:a≤x≤a+1.p真包含于q.我有一点不明白那不应该是a<1/2且a+1> 高一集合填空题1、已知命题P:|x^2-x|≥6,命题Q:x∈Z,且P且Q与非Q同时为假命题,则x的值构成的集合是( )(要求用列举法表示)2、已知集合A={x||x-a|≤1},B={x|x^2-5x+4≥0},若A∩B=空集,则实数a的取值范 急,高三第一轮复习的.已知a>0.设命题p 不等式x+|x-2a|>1的解集R;命题q 函数f(x)=x²-4x+3在[0,a]上的值域[-1,3],若p且q为假命题,p或q为真命题,求a的取值范围. 已知命题p:lg[x^2-2x-2]≥0;命题q:[x-1][3-x]≥-3,若p是真命题,q是假命题,求实数x的范围