英语翻译 Once there lived an old man in a mountain village.He often went hunting alone in the mountains.He was not afraid of any wild animals,not even a tiger. One night,someone saw a tiger come into the village,and stole two sheep away.T

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 10:15:34

英语翻译 Once there lived an old man in a mountain village.He often went hunting alone in the mountains.He was not afraid of any wild animals,not even a tiger. One night,someone saw a tiger come into the village,and stole two sheep away.T
     Once there lived an old man in a mountain village.He often went hunting alone in the mountains.He was not afraid of any wild animals,not even a tiger.     One night,someone saw a tiger come into the village,and stole two sheep away.The next night the tiger came again.The villages were frightened.They asked the old hunter to catch it so that they could have a safe life.     When the old man heard about the tiger,he thought hard.He wondered why the tiger came at night twice but only stole the sheep.The next night he walked outside the village.Suddenly he saw the tiger coming.He quickly threw himself on the ground.To his surprise,the tiger did not come at him,but went away.He followed it quietly and found it was running on two of its feet just like a man.Then everything was clear.    On the fourth day,when it got dark,the hunter took some animal skins with him and hid himself behind  a big  tree near the village.He was waiting for the“tiger”.As soon as the “tiger”came near the tree,the old hunter jumped out,caught the “tiger”by  the “leg”and said,“Don’t be afraid.I do not mean to hurt you.You know who I am,don’t you?”    The“tiger”said“Yes”and took off the tiger’s skin.    “You are poor.But you mustn’t steal anything from others.Here are some animal skins for you.You may sell them at the market.With the money,you can buy food and clothes for your family.Work harder and try to make a living.”With tears in his eyes,the poor man thanked the kind---heaeted old hunter and walked home.【注:要求中文是中国话,能说得通】   

英语翻译 Once there lived an old man in a mountain village.He often went hunting alone in the mountains.He was not afraid of any wild animals,not even a tiger. One night,someone saw a tiger come into the village,and stole two sheep away.T
从前,在一个小山村里住着一位老人.他经常独自一人去上山打猎.他从来都不惧怕任何野兽,甚至是凶猛的老虎.一天晚上,有村民发现了一只老虎偷走了两只羊.第二天晚上老虎又一次进了村庄,全村的人都惊恐万分.他们请求老人能够抓住老虎,他们便可以安心的生活.老人听说了老虎的事后,谨慎的思考了一番.他不明白为什么老虎进村两次却只偷羊呢 第二天晚上,他独自一人走出了村庄 .突然老人发现老虎正向这边走来.他便迅速的卧倒在地.令他吃惊的事情发生了,老虎没有朝自己走来而是转身走开了.老人静悄悄地跟在老虎后面,他惊奇地发现,这只老虎像人一样用两脚走路.老人顿时明白了一切.到了第四天晚上,天黑下来后,老人随身带了一些兽皮躲在了村边一颗大树后面.他正在等待“老虎” 的到来.当“老虎”一出现在大树边,老人一下跳起,一把抓住了“老虎”的“腿,并对“老虎”说:“不要害怕,我不会有意地伤害你,你知道我是谁,不是吗?”“老虎” 说是的,随手把身上的老虎皮脱下来.“你很穷,但是你不应该去偷别人的东西.我有一些兽皮给你,你可以到市场上去卖掉它们.” 用卖来的钱,你可以为家人买些食物和衣服.好好地工作,养家.”那位穷人满眼泪水地谢过了好心的老人后,一个人走回了家.