
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 12:57:23


珠海市是珠江三角洲南端的一个重要城市(原属中山县),位于广东省珠江口的西南部,地理坐标处于北纬21° 48′~22°27′、东经113°03′~114°19′之间.东与香港隔海相望,南与澳门相连,西邻新会、台山市,北与中山市接壤.珠海是中国的五个经济特区之一.珠海市面积有1952平方千米,人口141.57万人(2005年统计),是广东省人口规模最小的城市,人口分布为:香洲区 81万人,斗门区 36万人,金湾区 24万人,人口密度为:全市人口密度为839人/平方公里,其中香洲区 1401人/平方公里,斗门区 595人/平方公里,金湾区 477人/平方公里;当中约有80万为永久居民.珠海的海岸线长604公里,有大小岛屿146个,故有“百岛之市”的美誉.在珠江口辽阔的水域上,大大小小的岛屿星罗棋布,计有146个,其中大部分集中于东部海域的万山群岛.
The southern tip of the Pearl River Delta,Zhuhai is an important city (formerly Zhongshan county),located in Guangdong Province,south-west of the Pearl River estuary,geographic coordinates in latitude 21 ° 48 22 ° 27',longitude 113 ° 03 114 ° 19 'between.East and Hong Kong across the sea,linked to South and Macao,to the west,Taishan City,Zhongshan City,which borders the north.Zhuhai Chinese are one of the five special economic zones.Zhuhai has an area of 1952 square km,population 1,415,700 people (2005 statistics),population in Guangdong Province,the smallest town,population distribution as follows:810,000 people Xiangzhou District,Doumen District of 360,000 people,the 240,000 Bay Area people population density as follows:the city's population density is 839 people / sq km,one of Xiangzhou District 1401 people / sq km,Doumen District 595 person / sq km,the Bay Area 477 people / square kilometers; for about 800,000 permanent residents.Zhuhai,a long coastline of 604 kilometers,has 146 large and small islands,it has "city of hundred islands" of good reputation.At the Pearl River estuary on the vast waters,large and small islands spread all over,including 146,most of them concentrated in the eastern waters Wanshan Islands.

A Brief Introduction

Zhuhai is situated in the southwest of the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong Province. It faces Hong Kong on the east across the Lingding Ocean, Macau on the south, X...


A Brief Introduction

Zhuhai is situated in the southwest of the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong Province. It faces Hong Kong on the east across the Lingding Ocean, Macau on the south, Xinhui and Taishan on the west, and Zhongshan on the north. It is 150 kilometers away from Guangzhou. Zhuhai has jurisdiction over Xiangzhou District and Doumen County. Its total land area reaches 1,300 square kilometers.

Located at 21° 48” to 22° 27” N and 113° 3” to 114° 18” E, Zhuhai has a subtropical monsoon climate. The city enjoys adequate sunshine and rainfall. The annual average temperature is 22.4 °C. The temperature in January and February is the lowest. The temperature rises in April. From May to September it gets relatively hotter and more rainfall. The annual average precipitation is 1,700 to 2,300 millimeters. East wind blows all the year. However, southeast wind dominates in the summer and northeast wind dominates in the winter. In summer and autumn, typhoon hits the city. The average relative air humidity is 79%.

Zhuhai is a garden-like seaside tourist city, where flowers blossom all year round. In 1999, it was granted “International Award for Best Practices in Improving the Living Environment” by United Nations Center for Human Settlement and was the only winner of the award in China. Besides, it won series of titles such as “Top Tourist City of China”, “State Garden Green City”, “State Environmental Protection Model City” and “State Hygienic City”.

In 2000, Zhuhai was granted the title of “National Level Ecology Demonstration Zone” by the Sate Administration of Environmental Protection. Zhuhai adjoins Macau and is close to Hong Kong. Through the international-standard Zhuhai Airport, people can go to destinations all over the world.

Characteristics in tourism: a garden-like seaside tourist city with beautiful environment and clean air.
