1.Su Hai wants to take photos2.The camera was in your bag just now把这两句先

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 21:40:29

1.Su Hai wants to take photos2.The camera was in your bag just now把这两句先
1.Su Hai wants to take photos2.The camera was in your bag just now把这两句先

1.Su Hai wants to take photos2.The camera was in your bag just now把这两句先
1.Su Hai doesn't want to take photos.
2.The camera wasn't in your bag just now.
1、Does Su Hai want to take photos?
2.Was the camera in your bag just now?

Su Hai doesn't want to take photos.Dose Su Hai want to take photos?
The camera wasn't in your bags just now. Was the camera in your bags just now?

苏海想照相 现在电影院就在你的包里(手机或者其他工具)

su Hai doesn't want to take photos.
The camera wasn't in your bag just now.
Does Su Hai want to take photos?
Was the camera in your bag just now?
否定句就是在实意动词前加助动词+not 或系动词+not.

su hai wants to take some photos同义句转换 1.Su Hai wants to take photos2.The camera was in your bag just now把这两句先 Su Hai wants to (take some photos).否定句,一般疑问句,提问 8 .Su Hai wants to take some photos.( (改为一般疑问句) Su Hai wants to“ watch the running race.”(对引号部分提问) Su Hai and Su Yang wants to take some phones改为否定句,一般疑问句,否定回答,肯定回答 ( )(be)Su Hai and Su Yang going to pick apples? Su Hai wants taking some photos. 这句话哪错了= =、 是不是有两个错...wants to 和 take Su Hai 名词所有格 Su Hai and Su Yang usually___(go)to school at seven o'clock. Su Hai and Su Yang go to school togeter erevy day. 1.My earphones were (behind the magazine).提问 2.The boys were very exctied.(一般疑问句)3.Su Hai wants to take some photos.(否定句)这些是六年级的,教下我妹妹啊- =我都忘了 () happy su hai and su yang are! Su hai and su yang_____(like)dancing. It's ,It has a lot of here(rain)并解释原因Jim wants (do)some exercise at weekends(who)ruler is longer,Su yang's or Su hai's?I do (well)in English than Su Yang.Mr Smith is asking YangLing how (get)to the histoy museum Today is M____.Su Hai and Su Yang are on d____ onMondays.They need to go to school earlier 下面接and clean the classroom.Su Yang usully g____ up at six o' clock,she's ten minutes e____ than Su Hai.They go to school together.Su Hai is t____ than Su su hai went to park last month对last month 划线提问 Su Hai's father needs to t____some warm clothes.根据首字母提示填写单词.