I like__(帮助别人)She likes__(放风筝)He likes__(制作东西)We like__(说英语)Do you like__喝牛填写

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 10:20:31

I like__(帮助别人)She likes__(放风筝)He likes__(制作东西)We like__(说英语)Do you like__喝牛填写
I like__(帮助别人)She likes__(放风筝)He likes__(制作东西)We like__(说英语)Do you like__喝牛

I like__(帮助别人)She likes__(放风筝)He likes__(制作东西)We like__(说英语)Do you like__喝牛填写
helping others
flying kites
making things
speaking English
drinking milk

I like helping others.She likes to fly the kite.He likes making things.We like speaking English.Do you like to drink milk?

helping others
flying kites
making stuff
speaking English
drinking milk

I like__(帮助别人)She likes__(放风筝)He likes__(制作东西)We like__(说英语)Do you like__喝牛 I like__(帮助别人)She likes__(放风筝)He likes__(制作东西)We like__(说英语)Do you like__喝牛填写 I like__(drink)coffee 她总是乐于帮助别人:She's always______ _______ ________others. 她随时准备帮助别人 She is always ( ) ( ) help ( ) Would you like__(chat)with me? I am a student.I like__.(sport, sports, a sport ) 用动词不定式完成句子 The teacher asked us _____ (努力学习) I have _______ (没事做)It's good _____(帮助别人)He wants _____(成为医生)She came ___________(看他的父亲) Who is she?( )is Miss Li. I Like__(play) volleyball and __(play)the piano. I d like__(ask)them __(play) basketball together 以Helping Each Other Makes the World Wonderful为题,写一篇作文!内容要点:友谊2帮助老人~幸福3帮助病人~快乐4帮助别人体会…要求:1,80词左右开头和结尾不计!开头Hello,everyone,I am Li Zhi,It is nice to sp 用适当的形式填空1.Jenny would like__[talk]with LI MING onthe phone2.Li Ming's mother often __[make]dumplings on Sunday evening3.__[thank]for you help4.There are many __[child] playing in the park6.Would you like __[一些鱼]?7.I heve__[13跟 I Iike Li.Li likes me.(合并句子) Li and l like________ _______. 因为我想帮助别人 用英语怎么说 because I want to help _____(后面不知道了) Does Kate like__(go)shopping?No,she doesn't.括号里怎么填.为什么那样填? DOES SHE STILL MHELPING LI LI 改错 miss li often looks after (she)brother