高中物理问题(题目是英文)要详细过程A gun of mass 5.00 tonne fires a shot of mass 23kg horizontally and recoils 1.50m. The recoil is resisted by a constant force of 10.0 kN. Calculate the muzzle velocity of the shot (i.e. the speed

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 17:14:21

高中物理问题(题目是英文)要详细过程A gun of mass 5.00 tonne fires a shot of mass 23kg horizontally and recoils 1.50m. The recoil is resisted by a constant force of 10.0 kN. Calculate the muzzle velocity of the shot (i.e. the speed

A gun of mass 5.00 tonne fires a shot of mass 23kg horizontally and recoils 1.50m. The recoil is resisted by a constant force of 10.0 kN. Calculate the muzzle velocity of the shot (i.e. the speed of the shot as it emerges from the gun).

A man of mass 70kg stands at the end of a rough wooden plank of mass 35kg and length 9m. The plank is situated on a smooth table. The man walks from one end of the plank to the other.

(a)How far does the man walk relative to the table?

(b)How far does the plank slip back?

(c)How far has the centre of mass of the system (man+plank) moved?

A particle of mass m strikes a wall at right angles with speed v and rebounds at the same speed

(a)What impulse is exerted on the wall by the collision?

(b)If n particles rebound in this way per second, what is the average force exerted by the particles on the wall?

A bullet of mass 6.00×10^-3 kg is fired horizontally into a block of wood that rests on a horizontal table. After the collision an opposing force of 1.50N brings the block, with embedded bullet, to rest in 2.00s

Find the speed of the bullet just before it struck the block

A gun of mass 5.00t fires a shot of mass 20.0kg and recoils 2.00m along the line of projection against an opposing force of 1.00×10^4N.

Calculate the velocity with which the shot leaves the gun.

高中物理问题(题目是英文)要详细过程A gun of mass 5.00 tonne fires a shot of mass 23kg horizontally and recoils 1.50m. The recoil is resisted by a constant force of 10.0 kN. Calculate the muzzle velocity of the shot (i.e. the speed


高中物理问题(题目是英文)要详细过程A gun of mass 5.00 tonne fires a shot of mass 23kg horizontally and recoils 1.50m. The recoil is resisted by a constant force of 10.0 kN. Calculate the muzzle velocity of the shot (i.e. the speed 高中物理求详细过程! 高中物理动量的题目,要过程 一道高中物理动量的题目,要过程. 高中物理电学问题 求第2.3问详细过程 高中物理问题求解 一个物体从塔顶下落,在到达地面前最后一秒内通过的位移是整个位移的25分之9,求塔高(g=10m/s²) 要详细答案:公式,过程…… 高中物理电路动态分析问题.题目在这个网址上,http://gzwl.cooco.net.cn/testdetail/253452/,答案是AD,希望可以针对A选项作详细说明,告诉我如何判断电流流向。谢谢。 第四题怎么做,高中物理,要详细过程与说明 高中物理 运动问题 需要过程 二次根式题目 (1)是 第二提的问题 要求:过程最重要,不要跳,详细解答 谢谢 最好有思路解答我要的是过程 解答正确的话 高中物理力学题,详细过程给采纳 高中物理必修一,求详细过程 题目如图,高中物理,解释过程,谢谢. 高数,导数问题,求详细过程,题目如图 高中物理动能问题 求详细解 谢谢啦!要过程啊!详细的过程!题目:高三数学题,好集,设全集I={1,2,3,…,9},A,B是I的子集,若A∩B={1,2,3},就称集对(A,B)为好集,那么所有好集的个数为:()谢谢啦!要过程啊!详细的过程! 高中物理求详细过程,还有电压表测的是哪里的电压? 化学题目一道 要过程 详细解答