英语题、、、拜托、各位高手、、、小妹感激不尽、、、the contest (hold) in half an hour but they (not get) everything ready yetwhere did your father work before he (come) back tu chinalipinˊs sister (go) to work in japan as soo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 18:53:51

英语题、、、拜托、各位高手、、、小妹感激不尽、、、the contest (hold) in half an hour but they (not get) everything ready yetwhere did your father work before he (come) back tu chinalipinˊs sister (go) to work in japan as soo
the contest (hold) in half an hour but they (not get) everything ready yet
where did your father work before he (come) back tu china
lipinˊs sister (go) to work in japan as soon as she (leave) school next month
in some places,tea (serve) with milk and sugar

英语题、、、拜托、各位高手、、、小妹感激不尽、、、the contest (hold) in half an hour but they (not get) everything ready yetwhere did your father work before he (come) back tu chinalipinˊs sister (go) to work in japan as soo
will be held haven`t got came goes leaves is served

英语问题:动词加ing,ed;可数名词变复数的规则.要所有的详细规则哦!一个不漏啊.拜托各位高手帮帮小妹啦! 数学题一题.拜托各位高手了. 各位英语高手来帮小妹我看一道题哟、He a____ to be an honest man 那个空应该填什么呢? 英语题、、、拜托、各位高手、、、小妹感激不尽、、、the contest (hold) in half an hour but they (not get) everything ready yetwhere did your father work before he (come) back tu chinalipinˊs sister (go) to work in japan as soo 历史上真有没有苏小妹拜托了各位 谢谢 我紧急需要为题的英语作文本人这个礼拜就要交差了!恩...最好能写一句英文的就翻译一句的中文意思..拜托拜托!而且务必要求原创..!就是自己写..请各位英语高手一定要帮我这个忙啊..感激 新概念英语第一册练习题答案目前正在自学新概念英语第一册,但对自己做出的习题想更确定正确承度,所以求救啦求各位英语高手帮帮小妹,小妹这厢有礼了! 一道英语题(~ o ~)~zZThe grass turns yellow in autumn.各位高手,小妹在此请教.turn 为甚麽要加s O(∩_∩)O~请写清楚点请问,不可数可加第三人称单数吗(⊙_⊙)? 哪里有暑期英语补习班要按照课程的还有我是晋江青阳的拜托各位大哥大姐大叔大婶了小妹在这里谢过了 穿一件制服用英语怎么说各位高手拜托了,帮帮忙. 拜托各位高手!用恶劣造句,越快越好! 1道初一英语题,急!回答了再悬赏20分!~~~~~在下有一道英语题, 请各位高手回答一下, 在下将无限感激! 回答了再悬赏20分!~~ 1.RIGHT(同音词)_________ 是湖南省新版的数学教科书哦,请各位多多留意,若有人发现,小妹很感激 有文最好了,到20日8点结束啊小妹感激各位大妈,大爷,大伯,大叔了 拜托各位了 找找最近国际国内发生的事 小妹有急用~~~~~~~!谢谢````` 求《名人传》:以《贝多芬与托尔斯泰》为题写一篇读后感如题,不少于500各位写作高手为小妹提供一篇吧 求ps高手帮我修改四级英语成绩单,工作面试急用,不胜感激各位愿意帮忙的高人给个邮箱,我发过去. 英语翻译麻烦各位英语高手``````