1 She swam to the shore ( ) the night in the water.A having spent B when spending 2 How ( ) was the shore Eight miles.A away farB far fromC far awayD long

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:23:04

1 She swam to the shore ( ) the night in the water.A having spent B when spending 2 How ( ) was the shore Eight miles.A away farB far fromC far awayD long
1 She swam to the shore ( ) the night in the water.
A having spent
B when spending
2 How ( ) was the shore Eight miles.
A away far
B far from
C far away
D long

1 She swam to the shore ( ) the night in the water.A having spent B when spending 2 How ( ) was the shore Eight miles.A away farB far fromC far awayD long
选ac having加过去分词表示过去分词的动作发生在主句动作前 spent 发生在swam之前 how far away 表示有多远的意思 符合题意 偶用手机发的 若还不懂


此题的翻译为:她在水中度过了一夜然后游到了岸边.having spend 是现在分词的完成进行时做伴随状语.如果选B,意思为:当她在水中度过一晚的时候她游到了岸边.显然不合逻辑,故A答案正确.


此题的翻译为:她在水中度过了一夜然后游到了岸边.having spend 是现在分词的完成进行时做伴随状语.如果选B,意思为:当她在水中度过一晚的时候她游到了岸边.显然不合逻辑,故A答案正确.
此题考查对距离提问的词组.A项无此用法,为错误词组.B项虽然词组正确,但from后要加地点名词,而题中直接是谓语动词,故排除B.而How far away 也可以表示距离多远,而且不需跟地点名词.故此项为正确答案.D项how long 表示对时间的提问.


She swam TO the shore和She swam TOWARDS the shore区别She swam TO the shore是不是说她已经到达了海边而She swam TOWARDS the shore是她正往海边哪里游去 then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water 为什么spend 加ing She swam to the shore_____the night in the water?A. having spentB. having spendingC. when spendingD. had spent书上的原话She swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water?请说明为什么,这一点最重要.谢谢! She swam to the shore..句子不明白!She swam to the shore having spent the night in the water.请问这是个时间状语从句吗?having可以替换成那种形式? 同义句she swam in the river very fast 1 She swam to the shore ( ) the night in the water.A having spent B when spending 2 How ( ) was the shore Eight miles.A away farB far fromC far awayD long 为什么过去式不要加be动词?比如She swam in the sea.而不是 She was swam in the sea? jumped,the,into,lake,he,and,the,to,swam,kite Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.不太明白句中after的用法和意思 she swam to the shore having spent the night in the water?,请问,having spent 是怎么回事,have 加ing ,又过去分词,这是什么语法形式,如何理解 she swam to the shore having spend the night in the water 请问这是分词短语做时间状语吗 还有这句话如何翻译 选哪个 ,She swam to the shore _________ the night in the waterA.having spent B.having spending C.when spending D.had spent 新概念英语第33课中的问题 1.She swam to the shore () the night in the water.A.having spent B.far1.She swam to the shore () the night in the water.A.having spent B.far from C.far away D.long2.She was a light ahead.The light was () her.A.behi then she swam to the shore after spendimg the ...water.此处after能替换成having的啊,为什么啊 大家帮我看看这个英语句子对不对?要求用过去时来写的:she wants to look at the boys swam 如果不对,应如何改正? Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.结构?新概念第二册第33课中Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.哪个是主语?哪个是谓语?结构怎么分析? Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.这句话不解Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.意思是:她已经在水里呆了一晚上之后才游的还是:她游了一晚上?怎 she swam as fast as she could to catch up ____ Anna