
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 17:27:19


I didnt know that tigers are in danger until I watched the program.(很明显意在考察not until和宾从的运用) After reading it,……in time.(所给部分用的是the book而非the one 出于口语习惯 避免重复的考虑我在句首用了it指代书 读起来更自然 及时in time 固定词组).While they were taking a walk,we were waiting for them.(意在考察while句中时间段之间同时进行的关联把握).Please tell him to call me during 8 p.m.and 9 p.m..Lets wait the train

7.I know the tigers in danger until I watched the programme.
8.After learning opportunities, please return the book to the library on time.
9.While they are taking a walk, we are waiting for them.
10.Please tell them that evening at eight to nine call me.
11. Let‘s wait for the train to stop.
