It is universally acknowledged that whatever you are doing,focus on being 100% present.Multitasking is impossible anyway.It has never escaped my mind that when i was a middle school student ,a classmate of mine used to get good grades in our class,bu

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 16:42:20

It is universally acknowledged that whatever you are doing,focus on being 100% present.Multitasking is impossible anyway.It has never escaped my mind that when i was a middle school student ,a classmate of mine used to get good grades in our class,bu
It is universally acknowledged that whatever you are doing,focus on being 100% present.Multitasking is impossible anyway.
It has never escaped my mind that when i was a middle school student ,a classmate of mine used to get good grades in our class,but he liked reading novels.every day after he finished his homework,he spend the rest of the day on read novels or watching TV.Our teacher persuaded him not to do that or he must fail in the next exam .But that student still ignored the teacher.As time went by ,he still studying while playing.Finally he didn't get good grades in the exam.
From that example ,we can learn that keep all of your heart on what you are doing,or you can't success .And please believe that where is the will ,where is the way.

It is universally acknowledged that whatever you are doing,focus on being 100% present.Multitasking is impossible anyway.It has never escaped my mind that when i was a middle school student ,a classmate of mine used to get good grades in our class,bu
whatever you are doing, focus on being 100% present是句病句,你翻译下就不通,别用chinglish,百分比拼错(打错)
a classmate of mine used to get good grades in our class,but he liked reading novels.这句逻辑有问题,前后没有转折还用but?
Everyday 后跟 finished?时态错误
he spends/spent
on reading不是on read

It is universally acknowledged that whatever you're doing, you should be 100% devoted to it. I think multitasking is somehow impossible.
I've never forgotten that there was a boy named Mike in...


It is universally acknowledged that whatever you're doing, you should be 100% devoted to it. I think multitasking is somehow impossible.
I've never forgotten that there was a boy named Mike in my middle school, who used to obtain great grades in our class, but then he began to read novels every day after finishing his homework and spent a lot of his leisure time on watching TV. Although our teacher tried to persuade him not to do so and warn him that if he continued, he would fail in the next exam, he still didn't take it serious. And finally, as the teacher said, he failed in the following exam.
From this example, we can learn that we should be concentrated on what we are doing, or we won't succeed. And please believe that where there is a will, there's a way.


It is universally acknowledged that it is universally held that.universally 和held 中间要不要加破折号 It is universally acknowledge that you are a excellent student. 关于 it is a truth universally acknowledge that 傲慢与偏见的第一句为什么universally acknowledge在truth的后面? It is universally acknowledged that”这个造个英文句子吧, 傲慢与偏见英文版mp3..第一句是it is a truth universally acknowledged. It is universally acknowledge that you are a excellent student的中文是什么 It is universally acknow ledged that you are indispensible to me! it is a truth that universally acknowledged thata single man init is a truth that universally acknowledged thata single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife 英语翻译It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 求改英语作文,看看哪些地方错误,改进的It is universally acknowledge that economy is traditional virtue , the truth of it is self-evident , while most of people have formd unrealistic picture of economy , they disregard the importance o 英语作文超高级句型和词汇?(精选的)?比如:It is universally acknowledged that.there is no denying the fact that...splendid brilliant indispensable ... furthermore whats more ..等等这些?太简单的不要,不要量,要 关于一句出自的名言的中文意思出自It is a truth universally acknowledged that is a single man in possession of a good fortune,must be in want of a wife 英语翻译Whilst it is universally accepted and used incessantly,the phrase “money laundering” has no single——or accepted——definition.Many perceptions still endure in the collective psyche of what money laundering is:ranging from the su 修改语法错误It is universally acknowledged that English is one of the most widely used languages in the world.Therefore,nowadays,schools pay much attention to students’ English learning,and even place the English-learning in an unprecedented where there放在一起时是什么用法it is universally acknowledged that in order to achieve a satisfactory result in increasing fierce competion,athlets have to endure long period of training ,where there abound unbearable hardship and lonliness the saying is universally spread online that this is an era without privacy 翻译成中文 It's universally acknowledged that 可以代替think吗?在写作的时候