请快回答10分钟内用以下词组写出2至3个句子来 I was smoking in bed-went to sleep-suddenly woke up-the sheet was burning-I jumped up-put the fire out-a big hole in the sheet.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 18:31:01

请快回答10分钟内用以下词组写出2至3个句子来 I was smoking in bed-went to sleep-suddenly woke up-the sheet was burning-I jumped up-put the fire out-a big hole in the sheet.
I was smoking in bed-went to sleep-suddenly woke up-the sheet was burning-I jumped up-put the fire out-a big hole in the sheet.

请快回答10分钟内用以下词组写出2至3个句子来 I was smoking in bed-went to sleep-suddenly woke up-the sheet was burning-I jumped up-put the fire out-a big hole in the sheet.
给我分哦!Last night I was smoking in bed ,and went to sleep without slowly.But then suddenly woke up ,and the sheet was burning!I quickly jumped uf and put the fire out ,but still ,there is a big hole in the sheet.

请快回答10分钟内用以下词组写出2至3个句子来 I was smoking in bed-went to sleep-suddenly woke up-the sheet was burning-I jumped up-put the fire out-a big hole in the sheet. 用以下单词连词组句 not,couples,have,one,than,more,many,child 30分钟内回答给分 用以下词组写出2至3个句子来the man gathered the pieces next morningrepaired the bedput it on the rooftied it downenjoyed many comfortable nights sleep 用以下词组写出2至3个句子来i invited a friend to dinner expensive restaurantgood mealasked for the billnot enough moneyborrowed some from my guest要有联系的 用以下词组写出2至3个句子来My husband put the gate back-----kept it locked------Rex returned--------delighted at first-------could not open the gate----dissatisfies------disappeared. 第2、3题咋做,第一个回答好评,快,10分钟内才这样, 用以下词组写出2至3句话A workman was digging in a field.struck a 6000 volt electricity cable with hisspade.was thow twenty feet.unhurt.town was in darkness.no one knew what had happened. 请在10分钟内回答 新概念英语LESSON 59 Composition 作文 是否正确原题:用以下词组写出2至3个句子:My husband put the gate back--kept it locked--Rex returned--delighted at first--could not open the gate--dissatisfied--disappeared.我的作文:M 繁茂的反义词快5分钟内回答最少3个 如何1小时把700个单词背会 5分钟内回答 不是要词组 用几个英语词组组句,用以下词组写出3至4个句子来:Tazieff went into the mouth of Kitoru—saw the boiling red centre—ash—lumps of rock shooting up—in great danger—took photographs—returned to camp.再说说它的中文意 “余人各夏延至其家”中“延”的意思(请在10分钟内回答,告诉我.快,要快啊,一定要快啊! 根据意思进行联想,写出相应的成语,最大的浪费( )快,2分钟内回答的加分 √n^2-6n+9(n>3)请化简!请10分钟内回答 含what的疑问词组请写出2个.谢谢 用以下4个词组造句!求天才回答!①at once ②make up one's mind③in answer to④be astnished at一句话一个词组!求天才回答! 六下英语书64上面习作填空,65作文,速度快10分钟内回答加悬赏!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!