是so little food还是such little food?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 22:15:24

是so little food还是such little food?
是so little food还是such little food?

是so little food还是such little food?
答案肯定是so little food
此处little表”少”而不是表”小”,food就能确定是不可数名词,而修饰不可数名词,且名词前形容词为much/little时,就只能用so不能用such.附:such/so 的区别:
如:so big/heavy(想想very吧);such a thing/boy
5上述little表”少”之意,要小心表”小”的用法.如:such little children

是so little food
如“so tired,so big”
“such a clever boy,such fine weather,such good children,such an exciting film”
当见到many ,much,few, littl...


是so little food
如“so tired,so big”
“such a clever boy,such fine weather,such good children,such an exciting film”
当见到many ,much,few, little时必须与so搭配
如:so many students
so much food
so little money
so few people
so few


so little food
so little 加不可数
such a little 加可数
such a little girl

so little food
We have so little food.
such little food
Look, we have such little food.

是so little food还是such little food? I can't believe ( )little mice can eat so much food!填so还是that? such pretty girls 还是 so pretty girls,抑或此处用such 或so 都可以?另外so little sheep这种讲法对吗另见一道经典的语法题:---- little birds eat ---- many insects.A.Such,so B.So,so 此题中 little 表示“小”,另外 suc little用SUCH还是SO有的书上说LITTLE用SUCH有的说SO·到底是SO还是SUCH? so delicious food 还是 such delicious fooddelicious是形容词啊,so delicious然后加food,有什么错啊? such little girls 还是so little girls 还是such little girl 或so little girl 是I have little(还是 a little)?money,so i can't buy anything here It was a wonder that ___little food saved___many lives during the war.a)such,so b)so ,so答案为什么是a呢 我记得little many之前只能用so,不能用such,语法书上也这么说,是答案错了还是这道题的理解不应该这样呢,大 这么少的薪水是so little salry还是so few salary?还可以怎么表达? so& such用法 such little money还是so little money?我在辅导书上看到是so little money 但老师说such little money,到底哪个对?说一下理由吧?顺便说一下so& such用法,谢谢~ the food is little for you.还是把little换成a little求理由 so little children还是such little children哪个对啊 it's surprising that so little birds could eat so much food修改病句 Look!____ little animals can eat ____much food.A.So; such B.Such; so 是freezing food 还是frozen food 一道初三英语There is ____ food in the room .A so little B so a little C such little D such a little 请问是so little water还是such little water?有名词的都应该用such对吗? so ,neither 倒装He knows little about the thing,后面是So do I.还是Neither do I.little 是否定含义.