
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:48:01


Isn't funny to fool others' feelings?How short it is that only two days have already seen the truth that about what he said to me.So awful he is,pretending that nothing had happened!However,I cannot tell why I should have feelings on him.Maybe to like someone doesn't need any resons,or maybe such kind of feelings will fade away with time went by.

Why should we play with other people's feelings are not quite as fun? Only two days I have witnessed him let me say on the authenticity of a too short! He really good scary on the surface looks like n...


Why should we play with other people's feelings are not quite as fun? Only two days I have witnessed him let me say on the authenticity of a too short! He really good scary on the surface looks like nothing had happened, like! I was inexplicably produced a favorable impression of him, perhaps enjoy a person is no justification for it, and then maybe over time this feeling of his bar will disappear!


Is it so funny to fool one's feeling? What a short time,the truth of his words was proved by two-days time. He is awesome and apparently it seems that nothing has happened! However, i show intrest to him somehow, maybe there is no reason to love a person,and maybe this kind of feeling will disappear during a period.

英语翻译为什么要玩弄别人的感情,那样是不是很好玩?仅仅两天的时间就让我见证了他对我说的话的真实性,也太短暂了!他真的好可怕,表面上看起来像是什么也没有发生过一样!可我竟莫名其 男生是怎么玩弄感情的,一般都选择怎样的女孩玩弄 我是个不幸的人我被女的玩弄得.付出那么多只是满足了她的虚荣感,她那么喜欢别人追她的感觉吗..为什么自己有男友还一直不收敛自己呢...让我还有别别人的感情被你玩弄 英语翻译玩弄感情给偶滚一边去莫不自觉1!偶玩不起的! 为什么要欺骗自己爱的人谢谢了,男人就是喜欢玩弄女人的感情吗?为什么总是骗了这个骗那个 英语翻译请翻译:别粗心别大意别玩弄感情. 为什么要玩弄我的心 用英文怎么说 汉译英“玩弄虚假感情“ 请不要玩弄我的感情 英语怎么说 谁能用英语翻译一下我两个句:1鸟儿虽小,玩弄的却是整个天空!2人生不是铅笔字,橡皮擦不掉.(我翻译的 ‘不要骗我,不要玩弄我的感情,有一说一,告诉我你到底是怎么想的’用英语怎么说. 女子感情专一?男子专一?都说男人玩弄感情,难道女人不是吗? 什么词语的意思是蒙蔽玩弄? 怎么样才能净化心灵我不是一个善良的人.一开始就一直是个很自私的人,这个世界上我从来没有真心关心过任何人.我很擅长玩弄别人的感情,并且,做的任何一件事都是为了自己,我不知道这种 不要玩弄我翻译成英文玩弄感情。 关于朗读,为什么我可以很大声的有感情的读英文作品,读中文的时候却不能那样呢为什么我可以很大声的有感情的读英文作品,读中文的时候却不能那样呢,这是神马情况啊,这种问题都不知道 求“你是个贱人而我被你玩弄”的英文翻译 要准确的. 玩弄感情后官方解决玩够了你.她工作的地方地位很高,(他级别不高)你的隐私 弱点 利益 生存 都不顾.甩个干净为止官方关你精神病院,法律途径.官方付钱解决你.玩弄感情不留证据(因为只