英语语法:句子结构的分析In the torchlight,he caught sight of a figure (whom) he immediately recognizedas Bill Wilkins,our local grocer.为什么要用(whom) 连接?分析句子的结构:主谓宾

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 02:12:51

英语语法:句子结构的分析In the torchlight,he caught sight of a figure (whom) he immediately recognizedas Bill Wilkins,our local grocer.为什么要用(whom) 连接?分析句子的结构:主谓宾
In the torchlight,he caught sight of a figure (whom) he immediately recognized
as Bill Wilkins,our local grocer.
为什么要用(whom) 连接?

英语语法:句子结构的分析In the torchlight,he caught sight of a figure (whom) he immediately recognizedas Bill Wilkins,our local grocer.为什么要用(whom) 连接?分析句子的结构:主谓宾
In the torchlight,(介词短语作状语) he ( 代词作主语 )caught sight of ( 动词短语作谓语 ) a figure ( 名词作 宾语)
( 定语从句 )
(whom) ( 关系代词 作 recognized 的 宾语)he (代词作主语) immediately (副词作状语) recognized( 动词作谓语)
as Bill Wilkins (宾语补足语),our local grocer ( Bill Wilkins 同位语).

In the torchlight 方式状语
he caught sight of a figure主谓宾
(whom) he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins定语从句
our local grocer同位语

figure 此处可以翻译成 一个人 或一个人影 一个身影 并且后面的定语从句中谓语recognized少了一个宾语(recognize sb. as 把某人当做。。。) 所以 可以用 that, who 或者 whom 去引导

英语语法:句子结构的分析In the torchlight,he caught sight of a figure (whom) he immediately recognizedas Bill Wilkins,our local grocer.为什么要用(whom) 连接?分析句子的结构:主谓宾 英语语法:请分析这个句子结构.Our grateful thanks are due to the police department for their help in the making of the film. 英语语法,如图,请对这个句子的结构分析下,特别是划线部分是什么结构? 英语语法问题 句子结构Pretending he doesn't remember is an old trick of his.分析语法结构谢谢 英语语法:分析下列句子的结构The next man to approach me was selling expensive pens and watchesto approach me 在句子中坐什么语? I didn't hear that the bank of England had issued two notes in this amount.分析句子结构 hands over the paper covered in writing 分析句子结构 英语语法牛人请进The couple had come to a mutual agreement,as dictated by the legal custody agreement.请帮我分析一下这个句子的结构, 英语语法中,名词 加 状语 能单独组成句子吗?英语语法中,名词加状语能单独组成句子吗?比如说 fish in the water.或是smile on the face.这样的结构能单独成为句子吗? 英语语法,求详细分析这个句子的成分,指出语法结构, 怎么讲好英语语法?(高中阶段)关于句子结构之类的分析 分析句子结构【急!】要是好的话,1.The teacher doesn't allow us to eat in the class.2.我的成功要归功于我的父母.(翻译并分析) 帮忙分析下英语语法many people believe that advertising does not affect them.they like to think they make wise choices.just look at the brands in your kitchen and bathroo.帮忙分析下这3句的语法结构T T.就是那句是宾语从句啊 请从英语语法的角度分析一下这个句子,there are many ways in which the internet does not convey the richness of experiences of the world 英语语法句子结构 怎么做这两个英语语法填空1;In this account Dr.mannet told the story of the great wrong----[do] to him.帮忙分析一下句子的类型和结构.答案是done.为什么不能用had been done2;the following is taken from Dr.mannet's account 英语语法好的帮着分析下长句的句子结构成分As you know,living in constant white water with the changes occurring all the time at work or inlife can be stressful,unless people have a way of looking at change that helps them understand 分析英语语法结构请分析一下下列句子的详细结构成分(主谓宾定状补等)I have promised to help my sister move her house this weekend.