
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 13:06:22


英文简介:John and Jane Smith are a couple who have been married for 6 years and things appear to be normal.But it appears that things are changing--they are seeing a marriage counselor.And what neither of them know is that they are professional assassins.However,they are both assigned by their employers to kill the same person.When they each try to take out the target,they get in each other's way and blow the job.Now they are told to go after the person who made them miss the target.And when they learn about each other,they try to take each other out.

A married couple (Pitt and Jolie) are getting bored with their quiet domestic life. What they don't know, however, is that they're both assassins, secretly hopping the world and killing for hire. But their separate lives are about to collide when each finds out their next target is their own spouse

◇ 故事:间谍夫妇大火拼



◇ 故事:间谍夫妇大火拼



A married couple (Pitt and Jolie) are getting bored with their quiet domestic life. What they don't know, however, is that they're both assassins, secretly hopping the world and killing for hire. But their separate lives are about to collide when each finds out their next target is their own spouse.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith tells the tale of John and Jane Smith, an ordinary suburban couple with an ordinary, lifeless suburban marriage. John is a successful construction contractor, Jane, an intelligent com...


Mr. & Mrs. Smith tells the tale of John and Jane Smith, an ordinary suburban couple with an ordinary, lifeless suburban marriage. John is a successful construction contractor, Jane, an intelligent computer systems entrepreneur. But each of them has a secret that the other doesn't know: they are both legendary assassins. When they are assigned the same target and essentially cancel out each other's mission, they end up trading shots at each other (literally and figuratively) when they are assigned to assassinate one another. Both Jane and John think that their respective spouse has married them just to keep cover, and seek revenge. Finally, when fighting at their house, they cannot bring themselves to kill each other, and reconcile after a passionate night. Together, they find out that their respective agencies have sent assassins to kill them both, as fraternizing with the enemy (in their case, even marrying the enemy) is a deadly sin. Dodging barrages of gunfire at every turn, the Smiths indulge in a lot of infight bantering and shame-facedly admit to each other how blatantly they have lied over the last five to six years. Together, they dispose of the assassins that are on their heels, remove the web of lies and live as a happy couple.


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